The adaptation of Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics (ISC)

stmm. 2019 (3): 124-141

UDC 303.1


Yeliena Kovalska - master degree, Department of Methodology and Methods of Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Sociology, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Abstract. The paper notes weaknesses of current trends and approaches of modern class analysis, namely methodological globalism and the stratification approach. These approaches do not take into account characteristics of the respondent’s property (the prestige of the district, the type of the house, its condition etc.), which western and domestic researchers consider an important stratifying factor. Thus, the problem this article is focused, is a lack of a valid tool for measuring the individual social status in modern Ukrainian society, bearing in mind the quality of his real estate.

As a basis for solving this problem author uses the Warner index, which includes three main characteristics of an individual’s social status - authority, wealth, and prestige, and also considers characteristics of an individual’s real estate.

The paper presents the results of adapting Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics to present-day empirical research in Ukraine, namely in Kyiv. An expert survey made it possible to conclude that such characteristics as occupation, dwelling area and house type can be used for constructing an adapted index, whereas a “source of income” should be replaced by “income level”.

On the basis of the stratification scheme used by modern sociologists, the Adapted Stratification Scheme of Y. Warner is formulated with "type of employment' and "level of income" as additional characteristics. The new stratification scheme has underlain an empirical interpretation of indicators pertaining to income level, occupation, dwelling area and house type. Another important point is the formulation of new rules for categorizing respondents according to the calculated values of Warner’s Adapted Index of Status Characteristics.

The results obtained open the possibility of empirical validation of the adapted version of the Warner Index and allow to take a broader look at the specificity of stratification in modern Ukrainian society.

Warners ISC, social stratification, theoretical validation.

Publication in: ukr | rus


Dembitskyi, S. (2019). Constructing sociological tests: Methodology and its use in practice. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. [= Дембіцький 2019]

Guijt, I., & Woodhill, J. (2002). Managing for impact in rural development: A guide for project M&E. Rome, Italy: International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Knight, G. (1982). Property, stratification and the wage-form. The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 7(1), 1–17.

Kornev, N. R. (2002). The socio-spatial differentiation of Saint Petersburg’s residents [A research project by the Independent Institute for Social Policy]. [In Russian]. Journal of Economic Sociology, 3(3), 127–129. [= Корнев 2002]

Kornev, N. R. (2005). Housing stratification in the historical centre of Saint Petersburg. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 6, 77–85. [= Корнев 2005]

Kovalisko, N. V. (2008). Stratification orders of society: Conceptual framework and the experience of studying. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine. [= Коваліско 2008]

Kovalska, Ye. V. (2017). The methodological underpinnings for constructing Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian Society, 3(62), 68–76. [= Ковальська 2017]

Kovalska, Ye. V. (in press). Using an expert survey to enable the adaptation of Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Sociology. [= Ковальська]

Kyiv’s apartment blocks: Classification and designs. (2004). [In Russian]. Retrieved from [= Классификация 2004]

Makeev, S., & Domaranska, A. (2014). Stratified and differentiated structure of Ukraine’s urban population. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 4, 42–65. [= Макеєв 2014]

Ovcharova, L. N., Abanokova, K. R., & Biriukova, S. S. (2018). Russia’s population in 2018: Incomes, expenditures and social well-being. A monitoring study by HSE University. Special issue: Cross-national comparisons of earnings for 2011–2017. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics”. [= Овчарова 2018]

Prasad, N., & Richards, A. (2006). Measuring housing price growth — using stratification to improve median-based measures (Research discussion paper). Sydney: Reserve Bank of Australia, Economic Group.

Symonchuk, O. (2008). The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88): Historical background, conceptual framework, a model for operationalisation and its use in sociological research. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 3, 24–41. [= Симончук 2008]

Symonchuk, O. (2016a). The mapping of social classes: Traditions and innovations. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 1, 26–51. [= Симончук 2016a]

Symonchuk, O. (2016b). The institutionalisation of class analysis in Ukrainian sociology. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 4, 19–39. [= Симончук 2016b]

State Statistics Service of Ukraine. (2018). The distribution of employees’ labour earnings for June 2018 [A brief report]. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from [= Державна служба 2018]

Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of mixed methods research: Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Tikhonova, N. Ye. (2014). The social structure of Russia: Theories and reality. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Novyi Khronograf (New Chronograph) Press. [= Тихонова 2014]

Warner, W. L., Meeker, M., & Eells, K. (1949). Social class in America: A manual of procedure for the measurement of social status. Chicago, IL: Science Research Associates.

Weber, M. (1948). Class, status, party. In H. H. Gerth, & C. Wright Mills (Eds.), From Max Weber: Essays in sociology (pp.180–195). Abington, England: Routledge.

The adaptation of Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics (ISC)

stmm. 2019 (3): 124-141

UDC 303.1


Yeliena Kovalska - master degree, Department of Methodology and Methods of Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Sociology, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Abstract. The paper notes weaknesses of current trends and approaches of modern class analysis, namely methodological globalism and the stratification approach. These approaches do not take into account characteristics of the respondent’s property (the prestige of the district, the type of the house, its condition etc.), which western and domestic researchers consider an important stratifying factor. Thus, the problem this article is focused, is a lack of a valid tool for measuring the individual social status in modern Ukrainian society, bearing in mind the quality of his real estate.

As a basis for solving this problem author uses the Warner index, which includes three main characteristics of an individual’s social status - authority, wealth, and prestige, and also considers characteristics of an individual’s real estate.

The paper presents the results of adapting Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics to present-day empirical research in Ukraine, namely in Kyiv. An expert survey made it possible to conclude that such characteristics as occupation, dwelling area and house type can be used for constructing an adapted index, whereas a “source of income” should be replaced by “income level”.

On the basis of the stratification scheme used by modern sociologists, the Adapted Stratification Scheme of Y. Warner is formulated with "type of employment' and "level of income" as additional characteristics. The new stratification scheme has underlain an empirical interpretation of indicators pertaining to income level, occupation, dwelling area and house type. Another important point is the formulation of new rules for categorizing respondents according to the calculated values of Warner’s Adapted Index of Status Characteristics.

The results obtained open the possibility of empirical validation of the adapted version of the Warner Index and allow to take a broader look at the specificity of stratification in modern Ukrainian society.

Warners ISC, social stratification, theoretical validation.

Publication in: ukr | rus


Dembitskyi, S. (2019). Constructing sociological tests: Methodology and its use in practice. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. [= Дембіцький 2019]

Guijt, I., & Woodhill, J. (2002). Managing for impact in rural development: A guide for project M&E. Rome, Italy: International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Knight, G. (1982). Property, stratification and the wage-form. The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 7(1), 1–17.

Kornev, N. R. (2002). The socio-spatial differentiation of Saint Petersburg’s residents [A research project by the Independent Institute for Social Policy]. [In Russian]. Journal of Economic Sociology, 3(3), 127–129. [= Корнев 2002]

Kornev, N. R. (2005). Housing stratification in the historical centre of Saint Petersburg. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 6, 77–85. [= Корнев 2005]

Kovalisko, N. V. (2008). Stratification orders of society: Conceptual framework and the experience of studying. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine. [= Коваліско 2008]

Kovalska, Ye. V. (2017). The methodological underpinnings for constructing Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian Society, 3(62), 68–76. [= Ковальська 2017]

Kovalska, Ye. V. (in press). Using an expert survey to enable the adaptation of Warner’s Index of Status Characteristics. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Sociology. [= Ковальська]

Kyiv’s apartment blocks: Classification and designs. (2004). [In Russian]. Retrieved from [= Классификация 2004]

Makeev, S., & Domaranska, A. (2014). Stratified and differentiated structure of Ukraine’s urban population. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 4, 42–65. [= Макеєв 2014]

Ovcharova, L. N., Abanokova, K. R., & Biriukova, S. S. (2018). Russia’s population in 2018: Incomes, expenditures and social well-being. A monitoring study by HSE University. Special issue: Cross-national comparisons of earnings for 2011–2017. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics”. [= Овчарова 2018]

Prasad, N., & Richards, A. (2006). Measuring housing price growth — using stratification to improve median-based measures (Research discussion paper). Sydney: Reserve Bank of Australia, Economic Group.

Symonchuk, O. (2008). The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88): Historical background, conceptual framework, a model for operationalisation and its use in sociological research. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 3, 24–41. [= Симончук 2008]

Symonchuk, O. (2016a). The mapping of social classes: Traditions and innovations. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 1, 26–51. [= Симончук 2016a]

Symonchuk, O. (2016b). The institutionalisation of class analysis in Ukrainian sociology. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 4, 19–39. [= Симончук 2016b]

State Statistics Service of Ukraine. (2018). The distribution of employees’ labour earnings for June 2018 [A brief report]. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from [= Державна служба 2018]

Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of mixed methods research: Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Tikhonova, N. Ye. (2014). The social structure of Russia: Theories and reality. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Novyi Khronograf (New Chronograph) Press. [= Тихонова 2014]

Warner, W. L., Meeker, M., & Eells, K. (1949). Social class in America: A manual of procedure for the measurement of social status. Chicago, IL: Science Research Associates.

Weber, M. (1948). Class, status, party. In H. H. Gerth, & C. Wright Mills (Eds.), From Max Weber: Essays in sociology (pp.180–195). Abington, England: Routledge.


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