Global risks and their systemic consequences

stmm. 2020 (3): 80-98



Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Department of Social Expertise, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12 Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of global risks. Global risks are considered in terms of the ratio of the likelihood and consequences of adverse events that can cause harm or damage, while being global in nature and impact. The systemic nature of global risks has been identified as a defining feature of their current manifestation. A systematic approach to determining the source of modern global risks is used. It is defined that the main risks of the last decade are the risks of the ecological, geopolitical and social spheres, while technological risks are also being developed. It is noted that overall picture of global trends and global risks is constantly changing due to distinction of risks with extremely high growth rates. WEF has determined the forecast for 2020 regarding global trends and global risks is analyzed. For the first time in the ten-year history of global risks study, environmental threats took all positions within the top five risks of high probability of occurrence and three positions in the top 5 risks in terms of their impact. Other two major risks in terms of impact are the usage of weapons of mass destruction and the water crisis. The environmental risks by probability of their occurrence include: weather cataclysms, failure in fight against climate change, natural disasters, reduction of biodiversity, and anthropogenic environmental disasters. Three of these, related to failures in the fight against climate change, reduction of biodiversity and weather cataclysms — are also among the five risks with the most negative consequences. The growing risks of stagnation in the global economy were also noted, including those caused by increasing trend towards emphasizing national economic policy, and local political polarization in consequence of socio-economic intensifying inequality, as well as dissatisfaction of citizens with the way governments try to solve this problem. It is defined that environmental risks, including the ones caused by climate change, are dangerous to that extent that the response to them requires not just a set of measures, but changes in consumption patterns.

Keywords: global risks, global problems, global trends, systemic nature, degree of influence, degree of probability

Publication in: ukr | rus


Beck, U. (s.a.). Living in and Coping with World Risk Society: The Cosmopolitan Turn. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Бек s.a.]

Beck, U. (2000). Risk society. On the way to another modern. [In Russian]. Moscow: Progress-Tradition.[= Бек 2000]

Belikova, N.V. (2012). Global problems of mankind within the framework of systemic reforms in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: 2012_05_25/1_belikova.php [=Бєлікова 2012]

Coronavirus can cause famine in the world – the UN (2020). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [= Коронавірус 2020]

COVID-19 worldwide: more than 2.5 million people remain infected (2020 Retrieved from:

Danilyshyn, B. (2020). Davos 2020: risks and lessons for Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [= Данілишин 2020]

Deineka, T.A. (2017). Challenges, contradictions and risks of modern global economy. [In Ukrainian]. Problems of Economics, 2, 19–25. Retrieved from:[=Дейнека 2017]

Elliott, A. (2002). Beck’s Sociology of Risk: A Critical Assessment. British Sociological Association, 36 (2), 293–315. DOI: 10.1177/0038038502036002004

Global Risks Report (2017). 12th Edition. Geneva: World Economic Forum.

Kizim, M.O., Pronoza, P.V., Belikova, N.V. (2010). Analysis of global problems of the world community and the Millennium Development Goals. [In Ukrainian]. Problems of Economics, 4, 3–8. [= Кизим 2010]

Kolomiets, A.N. (2014). Global risks as a significant factor in modern international business. In: Economics and entrepreneurship. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: Коломиец 2014]

Kulishov, V.V. (2013). Modern problems of the global economy. [In Ukrainian]. Innovative economy: all-Ukrainian scientific and production journal, 3, 8–11. [= Кулішов 2013]

Lukianenko, D., Poruchnika, A., Kolesova, V. (Eds.), (2013). Global economic development: trends, asymmetries, regulation. [In Russian]. Kyiv: KNEU named after V. Hetman.[= Лукьяненко 2013]

Lynenko, A.V., Hertsenok, Ye.O. (2012). Financial globalization: problems and prospects. [In Ukrainian]. Bulletin of Zaporizhia National University, 3 (15), 188–193. [= Линенко 2012]

Malitskaya, V. (2018). Global warming: how climate change will affect Ukraine and what awaits the Earth.[In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Малицкая 2018]

Neborskii, Ye.V. (2017). Global risks as a challenge to the development of modern universities. [In Russian]. E-magazine "Mir Nauki", 5 (6).Retrieved from: [[=]([=) Неборский 2017]

Perrow, Ch. (2011).The Next Catastrophe: Reducing our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Petkova, L. (2013). Ukraine's integration into the world financial space in international comparisons and macroeconomic dynamics. [In Ukrainian]. Financial Space, 1 (9), 15–21. [= Петкова 2013]

Petrushevska, V.V. (2014). Financial policy to prevent and eliminate thee ffects of global economic instability: foreign experience. [In Ukrainian]. ProblemsofEconomics, 1, 31–36. [= Петрушевська 2014]

Randers, J. (2012). 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years. Hanover: Chelsea Green Publishing Company.

_Risk_classification(s.a.). [In Russian]. Retrieved from:

Senchagov, V., Soloviev, A. (2015). Global imbalances, risks and economic security. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Сенчагов 2015]

Shovkun, I. (2020). Flooding in urban areas, fires and droughts: a climatologist warned of changes in the weather of Ukraine. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Шовкун 2020]

_The global risks report 2020 (_2020). World Economic Forum. Retrieved from:

Toynbee, A.J. (2006). History Research: in 3 vols(vol. 3). [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Тойнби 2006]

Uchoa, P. (2019). Water scarcity can lead to mass migration and war. Scientists advised stop sonsuming meat. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Учоа 2019]

Received 27.05.2020

Global risks and their systemic consequences

stmm. 2020 (3): 80-98



Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Department of Social Expertise, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12 Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of global risks. Global risks are considered in terms of the ratio of the likelihood and consequences of adverse events that can cause harm or damage, while being global in nature and impact. The systemic nature of global risks has been identified as a defining feature of their current manifestation. A systematic approach to determining the source of modern global risks is used. It is defined that the main risks of the last decade are the risks of the ecological, geopolitical and social spheres, while technological risks are also being developed. It is noted that overall picture of global trends and global risks is constantly changing due to distinction of risks with extremely high growth rates. WEF has determined the forecast for 2020 regarding global trends and global risks is analyzed. For the first time in the ten-year history of global risks study, environmental threats took all positions within the top five risks of high probability of occurrence and three positions in the top 5 risks in terms of their impact. Other two major risks in terms of impact are the usage of weapons of mass destruction and the water crisis. The environmental risks by probability of their occurrence include: weather cataclysms, failure in fight against climate change, natural disasters, reduction of biodiversity, and anthropogenic environmental disasters. Three of these, related to failures in the fight against climate change, reduction of biodiversity and weather cataclysms — are also among the five risks with the most negative consequences. The growing risks of stagnation in the global economy were also noted, including those caused by increasing trend towards emphasizing national economic policy, and local political polarization in consequence of socio-economic intensifying inequality, as well as dissatisfaction of citizens with the way governments try to solve this problem. It is defined that environmental risks, including the ones caused by climate change, are dangerous to that extent that the response to them requires not just a set of measures, but changes in consumption patterns.

Keywords: global risks, global problems, global trends, systemic nature, degree of influence, degree of probability

Publication in: ukr | rus


Beck, U. (s.a.). Living in and Coping with World Risk Society: The Cosmopolitan Turn. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Бек s.a.]

Beck, U. (2000). Risk society. On the way to another modern. [In Russian]. Moscow: Progress-Tradition.[= Бек 2000]

Belikova, N.V. (2012). Global problems of mankind within the framework of systemic reforms in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: 2012_05_25/1_belikova.php [=Бєлікова 2012]

Coronavirus can cause famine in the world – the UN (2020). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [= Коронавірус 2020]

COVID-19 worldwide: more than 2.5 million people remain infected (2020 Retrieved from:

Danilyshyn, B. (2020). Davos 2020: risks and lessons for Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [= Данілишин 2020]

Deineka, T.A. (2017). Challenges, contradictions and risks of modern global economy. [In Ukrainian]. Problems of Economics, 2, 19–25. Retrieved from:[=Дейнека 2017]

Elliott, A. (2002). Beck’s Sociology of Risk: A Critical Assessment. British Sociological Association, 36 (2), 293–315. DOI: 10.1177/0038038502036002004

Global Risks Report (2017). 12th Edition. Geneva: World Economic Forum.

Kizim, M.O., Pronoza, P.V., Belikova, N.V. (2010). Analysis of global problems of the world community and the Millennium Development Goals. [In Ukrainian]. Problems of Economics, 4, 3–8. [= Кизим 2010]

Kolomiets, A.N. (2014). Global risks as a significant factor in modern international business. In: Economics and entrepreneurship. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: Коломиец 2014]

Kulishov, V.V. (2013). Modern problems of the global economy. [In Ukrainian]. Innovative economy: all-Ukrainian scientific and production journal, 3, 8–11. [= Кулішов 2013]

Lukianenko, D., Poruchnika, A., Kolesova, V. (Eds.), (2013). Global economic development: trends, asymmetries, regulation. [In Russian]. Kyiv: KNEU named after V. Hetman.[= Лукьяненко 2013]

Lynenko, A.V., Hertsenok, Ye.O. (2012). Financial globalization: problems and prospects. [In Ukrainian]. Bulletin of Zaporizhia National University, 3 (15), 188–193. [= Линенко 2012]

Malitskaya, V. (2018). Global warming: how climate change will affect Ukraine and what awaits the Earth.[In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Малицкая 2018]

Neborskii, Ye.V. (2017). Global risks as a challenge to the development of modern universities. [In Russian]. E-magazine "Mir Nauki", 5 (6).Retrieved from: [[=]([=) Неборский 2017]

Perrow, Ch. (2011).The Next Catastrophe: Reducing our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Petkova, L. (2013). Ukraine's integration into the world financial space in international comparisons and macroeconomic dynamics. [In Ukrainian]. Financial Space, 1 (9), 15–21. [= Петкова 2013]

Petrushevska, V.V. (2014). Financial policy to prevent and eliminate thee ffects of global economic instability: foreign experience. [In Ukrainian]. ProblemsofEconomics, 1, 31–36. [= Петрушевська 2014]

Randers, J. (2012). 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years. Hanover: Chelsea Green Publishing Company.

_Risk_classification(s.a.). [In Russian]. Retrieved from:

Senchagov, V., Soloviev, A. (2015). Global imbalances, risks and economic security. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Сенчагов 2015]

Shovkun, I. (2020). Flooding in urban areas, fires and droughts: a climatologist warned of changes in the weather of Ukraine. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Шовкун 2020]

_The global risks report 2020 (_2020). World Economic Forum. Retrieved from:

Toynbee, A.J. (2006). History Research: in 3 vols(vol. 3). [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Тойнби 2006]

Uchoa, P. (2019). Water scarcity can lead to mass migration and war. Scientists advised stop sonsuming meat. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [= Учоа 2019]

Received 27.05.2020



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