Intellectuals: Three patterns of the attitude towards war

stmm. 2019 (4): 158-177

UDC 316.454

Serhii Makeyev - Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of department of Social Structures at the Institute of Sociology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Abstract. Certainly, the patterns of intellectuals’ attitudes towards war are heavily outnumbered by the intellectuals themselves. Although the very metamorphosis of human communities’ lives is not able to produce ideal types of feelings, relationships or destinies, it can at least visualise a certain set of these phenomena, which, however, are impossible to enumerate. What contributes to this state of affairs are Events because they severely disrupt and alter the normal functioning of states and everyday communication between their citizens. War is exactly this kind of Events. The author presents three patterns of the attitude towards war (mainly WWI) displayed by intellectuals. First, this is public patriotism in the rear embodied by E.Durkheim and M.Weber. Second, this is patriotism in the front line and public pacifism in the rear represented by E.Durkheim and M.Weber. And finally, this is loyalty to the mission of an intellectual both at the front and in the rear, which is characteristic of A.Schopenhauer and L.Wittgenstein.

Keywords: E.Durkheim, M.Weber, E.Durkheim, M.Weber, A.Schopenhauer, L.Wittgenstein, patriotism, pacifism, mission of an intellectual.

Full article: ukr | rus


Weber, M. (2007). The life and work of Max Weber. [In Russian] Tr from it. M.I. Levina. Moscow: ROSSPEN. [=Вебер 2007]

Wittgenstein, L. (2015). Diaries of 1914-1916. [In Russian] Moscow: CANON + ROOI "Rehabilitation". [= Витгенштейн 2015]

Gulyga, A., Andreeva, I. (2003). Schopenhauer. [In Russian] Moscow: Young Guard. [=Гулыга, Андреева 2003]

Kaube, J. (2016). Max Weber. Life at the turn of the eras. Tr. from it. I. Kushnareva, I. Chubarova. [In Russian] Moscow: Publishing House Delo. [=Каубе 2016]

Russell, B. (2000). Autobiography. [In Russian] Moscow: Foreign literature. [=Рассел 2000]

Fischer, K. (1999). History of a new philosophy. Arthur Schopenhauer. [In Russian] Moscow: Doe. [= Фишер 1999]

Baert, P. (2015). The Existentialist Moment: the Rise of Sartre as a Public Intellectual. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Benda, J. (2014). The Treason of Intellectuals. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.

Cartwright, D. E. Schopenhauer: a Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chomsky, N. (2017). It is the Responsibility of Intellectuals to Speak the Truth and to Expose Lies. New York: The New Press.

Derman, J. (2012). Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought. From Charisma to Canonization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Fournier, M. (2006). Marcel Moss. A Biography. Translated by J. M. Todd. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.

Fournier, M. (2013). Émile Durkheim. A Biography. Translated by D. Macey. Oxford: Polity Press.

Golovin, N. A. (2019). Max Weber and the Great War: Personal Opinions and Essays as Historical Sociology. Russian Sociological Review, 18 (2), 138–145.

Johnson, P. (2008). Intellectuals. From Marx and Tolstoy to Sartr and Chomsky. HarperCollins e-book.

Kanterian, E. (2007). Ludwig Wittgenstein. London: Reaktion Books Ltd.

Laiz, A. M. (2019). Introduction: Max Veber’s Science as a Vocation as Political Failure. Journal of Classical Sociology, 19 (3), 223–228.

Lukes, S. (1972). Emile Durkheim. His Life and Work. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.

Monk, R. (1991). Ludwig Wittgenstein. The Duty of Genius. London: Penguin Books.

Russell, B. (1939). The Role of the Intellectual in the Modern Time. The American Journal of Sociology, XLIV, 4, 491–498.

Russell, B. (2009). Autobiography. London and New York: Routledge.

Allott, N., Knight, C., & Smith, N. (Eds.). (2019). The Responsibility of Intellectuals. Reflections by Noam Chomsky and Others after 50 years. Commentaries by Noam Chomsky. London: UCL PRESS.

Said, E. W. (1996). Representation of the Intellectuals. New York: Vintage Books.

Sowell, T. (2010). Intellectuals and Society. New York: Basic Books.

Susen, S., Baert, P. (2017). The Sociology of Intellectuals. After «The Existentialist Moment». (eBook): Palgrave Macmillan.

Intellectuals: Three patterns of the attitude towards war

stmm. 2019 (4): 158-177

UDC 316.454

Serhii Makeyev - Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of department of Social Structures at the Institute of Sociology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Abstract. Certainly, the patterns of intellectuals’ attitudes towards war are heavily outnumbered by the intellectuals themselves. Although the very metamorphosis of human communities’ lives is not able to produce ideal types of feelings, relationships or destinies, it can at least visualise a certain set of these phenomena, which, however, are impossible to enumerate. What contributes to this state of affairs are Events because they severely disrupt and alter the normal functioning of states and everyday communication between their citizens. War is exactly this kind of Events. The author presents three patterns of the attitude towards war (mainly WWI) displayed by intellectuals. First, this is public patriotism in the rear embodied by E.Durkheim and M.Weber. Second, this is patriotism in the front line and public pacifism in the rear represented by E.Durkheim and M.Weber. And finally, this is loyalty to the mission of an intellectual both at the front and in the rear, which is characteristic of A.Schopenhauer and L.Wittgenstein.

Keywords: E.Durkheim, M.Weber, E.Durkheim, M.Weber, A.Schopenhauer, L.Wittgenstein, patriotism, pacifism, mission of an intellectual.

Full article: ukr | rus


Weber, M. (2007). The life and work of Max Weber. [In Russian] Tr from it. M.I. Levina. Moscow: ROSSPEN. [=Вебер 2007]

Wittgenstein, L. (2015). Diaries of 1914-1916. [In Russian] Moscow: CANON + ROOI "Rehabilitation". [= Витгенштейн 2015]

Gulyga, A., Andreeva, I. (2003). Schopenhauer. [In Russian] Moscow: Young Guard. [=Гулыга, Андреева 2003]

Kaube, J. (2016). Max Weber. Life at the turn of the eras. Tr. from it. I. Kushnareva, I. Chubarova. [In Russian] Moscow: Publishing House Delo. [=Каубе 2016]

Russell, B. (2000). Autobiography. [In Russian] Moscow: Foreign literature. [=Рассел 2000]

Fischer, K. (1999). History of a new philosophy. Arthur Schopenhauer. [In Russian] Moscow: Doe. [= Фишер 1999]

Baert, P. (2015). The Existentialist Moment: the Rise of Sartre as a Public Intellectual. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Benda, J. (2014). The Treason of Intellectuals. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.

Cartwright, D. E. Schopenhauer: a Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chomsky, N. (2017). It is the Responsibility of Intellectuals to Speak the Truth and to Expose Lies. New York: The New Press.

Derman, J. (2012). Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought. From Charisma to Canonization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Fournier, M. (2006). Marcel Moss. A Biography. Translated by J. M. Todd. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.

Fournier, M. (2013). Émile Durkheim. A Biography. Translated by D. Macey. Oxford: Polity Press.

Golovin, N. A. (2019). Max Weber and the Great War: Personal Opinions and Essays as Historical Sociology. Russian Sociological Review, 18 (2), 138–145.

Johnson, P. (2008). Intellectuals. From Marx and Tolstoy to Sartr and Chomsky. HarperCollins e-book.

Kanterian, E. (2007). Ludwig Wittgenstein. London: Reaktion Books Ltd.

Laiz, A. M. (2019). Introduction: Max Veber’s Science as a Vocation as Political Failure. Journal of Classical Sociology, 19 (3), 223–228.

Lukes, S. (1972). Emile Durkheim. His Life and Work. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.

Monk, R. (1991). Ludwig Wittgenstein. The Duty of Genius. London: Penguin Books.

Russell, B. (1939). The Role of the Intellectual in the Modern Time. The American Journal of Sociology, XLIV, 4, 491–498.

Russell, B. (2009). Autobiography. London and New York: Routledge.

Allott, N., Knight, C., & Smith, N. (Eds.). (2019). The Responsibility of Intellectuals. Reflections by Noam Chomsky and Others after 50 years. Commentaries by Noam Chomsky. London: UCL PRESS.

Said, E. W. (1996). Representation of the Intellectuals. New York: Vintage Books.

Sowell, T. (2010). Intellectuals and Society. New York: Basic Books.

Susen, S., Baert, P. (2017). The Sociology of Intellectuals. After «The Existentialist Moment». (eBook): Palgrave Macmillan.



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