Environmental public opinion: methodological principles of research

stmm. 2024 (2): 111-136


Full text:

OLEKSANDR STEGNII, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Methodology and Methods of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

Based on the structural analysis of the toolkit of the foreign monitoring studies, the methodological principles of measuring environmental public opinion are analyzed. Modern developments of socio-psychological models for predicting environmental concern and patterns of environmental behavior, the influence of the social context on environmental activism, the influence of methods of measuring environmental concern on conclusions regarding the relationship between material and post-material values are considered in detail. It is noted that traditional indicators of environmental concern are replaced by tools of sociological measurement of environmental awareness, primarily of anthropocentrism and its relationship with ecocentrism. The need to transition from the (post-Soviet) ecological paradigm to the modern European one, the synchronization of advancement to full membership in the EU with the transit of Ukrainian society from the patronage to the liberal model of democracy determine the features of the social context of measuring environmental public opinion in Ukraine. The specified features of the social context require a radical revision of the methodological principles of measuring environmental public opinion with relevant sociological indicators. First, we are talking about the development of indicators of environmental democracy, such as the level of access to environmental information, participation in the adoption of environmentally important decisions, and access to justice on environmental issues. It is argued that the main task of monitoring environmental public opinion is to identify the dynamics of social changes as a derivative of anthropogenic impact on the environment, to adjust environmental policy considering the existing ecological orientations of the population.

Keywords: ecological public opinion, sociological indicators, methodological principles of measurement, ecological consciousness, ecological concern, ecological patterns of behavior, ecological democracy


  1. Akulenko, L., Balakireva, O. et al. (2020). World Values Survey 2020 in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Ukrainian Center of European Policy.

  2. Albrecht, D., Bultena, G., Hoiberg, E., Nowak, P. (1982). The new environmental paradigm scale. Journal of Environmental Education, 13, 39-43.

  3. Alam, M. (2021). Environmental activists' hysteresis as a driving force for establishing environmental actions against urban forest privatization in Bandung, Indonesia. International Sociology, 36(6), 801-818.

  4. The American Environmental Values Survey. (2006). American Views on the Environmental in an Era of Polarization and Conflicting Priorities. Washington: ecoAmerica.

  5. Arbuckle, J.G., Morton, L.W., Hobbs, J. (2015). Understanding farmer perspectives on climate change adaptation and mitigation: the roles of trust in sources of climate information, climate change beliefs, and perceived risk. Environmental Behavior, 47, 205-234.

  6. Arcury, T.A. (1990). Environmental attitudes and environmental knowledge. Human Organization, 49, 300-304.

  7. Baliuk, S., Klauning, N., Chetvertukhina, L., Koval-Honchar, M. (2021). Environmental trends in Ukraine: citizens' view. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  8. Bernstein, J. (2016). Renewing the New Environmental Paradigm Scale: The understanding Diversity of contemporary environmental Worldviews. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

  9. Best, H., Mayerl, J. (2013). Values, Beliefs, Attitudes: An Empirical Study on the Structure of Environmental Concern and Recycling Participation. Social Science Quarterly, 94, 691-714.

  10. Borgstedt, S., Christ, T., Reusswig, F. (2010). Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsfrage. Berlin: BWU.

  11. Bourdieu, P. (1997). Pascalian Meditations. Cambridge: Polity Press.

  12. Dunlap, R.E., Van Liere, K.D. (1978). The «new environmental paradigm»: A proposed measuring instrument and preliminary results. Journal of Environmental Education, 9, 10-19.

  13. Dunlap, R.E. (1995). Public Opinion and Environmental Policy. In: Environmental Politics and Policy: Theories and Evidence (pp. 63-114). Durham: Duke University Press.

  14. Dunlap, R.E. (2008). The New Environmental Paradigm Scale: From Marginality to Worldwide Use. Journal of Environmental Education, 40(1), 3-18.

  15. Dunlap, R.E., York, R. (2008). The Globalization of Environmental Concern and the Limits of the Post-Materialist Explanation: Evidence from Four Cross-National Surveys. Sociological Quarterly, 49, 529-563.

  16. Dunlap, R.E., Van Liere, K.D., Mertig, A.G., Jones, R.E. (2000). Measuring endorsement of the new ecological paradigm. A revised NEP scale. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 425-442.

  17. Echavarren, J.M. (2017). From Objective Environmental Problems to Subjective Environmental Concern: A Multilevel Analysis Using 30 Indicators of Environmental Quality. Society & Natural Resources, 30, 145-159.

  18. Ecological portrait of a citizen of Ukraine: comparative analysis with the EU and recommendations. Analytical paper. (2018). Resource and Analytical Center "Society and Environment". [In Ukrainian].

  19. The Environmental Monitor. (1997). Global Public Opinion on the Environment. Toronto: Environics International.

  20. Ester, P., Van der Meer, F. (1982). Determinants of Individual Environmental Behavior: An Outline of a Behavioral Model and Some Research Findings. The Netherlands Journal of Sociology, 18, 57-94.

  21. European Green Deal Barometer. (2021). Institute for European Environmental Policy, GlobeScan. Retrieved from:

  22. The Europeans and their Environment. (1982). Brussels: Commission of the European Communities.

  23. Europeans and the Environment. (1992). Survey conducted in the Context of the Eurobarometer 37.0. Brussels: INRA (Europe) European Coordination Office.

  24. Europeans and the Environment. (1995). Survey conducted in the Context of the Eurobarometer 43.1 bis. Brussels: INRA (Europe) E.C.O.

  25. Franzen, A. (2003). Environmental Attitudes in International Comparison: An Analysis of the ISSP Surveys 1993 and 2000. Social Science Quarterly, 84, 297-308.

  26. Green, D.P., Citrin, J. (1994). Measurement error and the structure of attitudes: Are positive and negative judgments opposites? American Journal of Political Science, 38, 256-281.

  27. Heberlein, T.A. (2012). Navigating Environmental Attitudes. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

  28. Hill, N. (2023). Climate Change: The More You Know, The More You Care. Retrieved from:

  29. Kaiser, F.G., Hübner, G., Bogner, F.X. (2005). Contrasting the Theory of Planned Behavior with the Value-Belief-Norm Model in Explaining Conservation Behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35, 2150-2170.

  30. Kiss, C., Poltimae, H., Struminska, M., Ewing, M. (2006). Environmental Democracy. The Access Initiative Europe; The EMLA Association.

  31. Kopnina, H. (2012). "People are not plants, but both need to grow": qualitative analysis of the new ecological paradigm scale for children. Environmentalist, 32, 394-404.

  32. Kriazh, I.V. (2021). The "new ecological paradigm" scale: experience of its use in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Bulletin of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin, series "Psychology", 70, 86-93.

  33. Lawton, S. (2016). Linking the New Ecological Paradigm Scale to How Pro-Environmental Behavior is Developed. Environmental Studies. Undergraduate Student Theses, 188.

  34. Milfont, T.L., Hawcroft, L.J., Fischer, R. (2008). A meta-analysis of the societal variables with environmental attitudes. Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research, Victoria University of Wellington.

  35. Reis Neto, J. F. (2021). Validating the Scale of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) in Brazilian University Students. Research, Society and Development, 10 (4), 1-11.

  36. Special Eurobarometer 217 "The attitudes of European citizens towards environment". (2005). Retrieved from:

  37. Spezial Eurobarometer 295. Einstellungen der europäischen Bürger zur Umwelt. (2008). Retrieved from:

  38. Stegnii, O. (2012). Sociological reading of nature. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Center for Environmental Education and Information.

  39. Stegnii, O. (2021). Trends in mass environmental awareness of the population of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian society. Monitoring of social changes. 30 years of independence, 8(22), 408-423.

  40. Sztompka, P. (1994). The Sociology of Social Change. Oxford: Blackwell.

  41. Telesiene, A., Gross, M. (2017). Green European. Environmental behavior and attitudes in Europe in a historical and cross-national comparative perspective. London: Routledge.

  42. Telesiene, A., Hadler, M. (2023). Dynamics and landscape of academic discourse on environmental attitudes and behaviors since the 1970s. Frontiers in Sociology, 1-14.

  43. Thomson, J. (2013). New Ecological Paradigm Survey 2008: Analysis of the NEP results. Waikato Regional Council Technical Report. Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2022. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage. (2023). Berlin: BMUV.

  44. Wang, Y., Hao, F., Liu, Y. (2021). Pro-Environmental Behavior in an Aging World: Evidence from 31 Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1-13.

  45. What do Europeans think about the environment? (1999). The main results of the survey carried out in the context of Eurobarometer 51.1. Luxemburg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

  46. Vandenbergh, M.P. (2005). Order Without Social Norms: How Personal Norm Activation Can Protect the Environment. Northwestern University Law Review, 99, 1101-1166.

  47. Van Liere, K.D., Dunlap, R.E. (1980). The Social Bases of Environmental Concern. A Review of Hypotheses, Explanations and Empirical Evidence. Public Opinion Quarterly, 44, 181-199.

Received 28.02.2024

Environmental public opinion: methodological principles of research

stmm. 2024 (2): 111-136


Full text:

OLEKSANDR STEGNII, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Methodology and Methods of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

Based on the structural analysis of the toolkit of the foreign monitoring studies, the methodological principles of measuring environmental public opinion are analyzed. Modern developments of socio-psychological models for predicting environmental concern and patterns of environmental behavior, the influence of the social context on environmental activism, the influence of methods of measuring environmental concern on conclusions regarding the relationship between material and post-material values are considered in detail. It is noted that traditional indicators of environmental concern are replaced by tools of sociological measurement of environmental awareness, primarily of anthropocentrism and its relationship with ecocentrism. The need to transition from the (post-Soviet) ecological paradigm to the modern European one, the synchronization of advancement to full membership in the EU with the transit of Ukrainian society from the patronage to the liberal model of democracy determine the features of the social context of measuring environmental public opinion in Ukraine. The specified features of the social context require a radical revision of the methodological principles of measuring environmental public opinion with relevant sociological indicators. First, we are talking about the development of indicators of environmental democracy, such as the level of access to environmental information, participation in the adoption of environmentally important decisions, and access to justice on environmental issues. It is argued that the main task of monitoring environmental public opinion is to identify the dynamics of social changes as a derivative of anthropogenic impact on the environment, to adjust environmental policy considering the existing ecological orientations of the population.

Keywords: ecological public opinion, sociological indicators, methodological principles of measurement, ecological consciousness, ecological concern, ecological patterns of behavior, ecological democracy


  1. Akulenko, L., Balakireva, O. et al. (2020). World Values Survey 2020 in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Ukrainian Center of European Policy.

  2. Albrecht, D., Bultena, G., Hoiberg, E., Nowak, P. (1982). The new environmental paradigm scale. Journal of Environmental Education, 13, 39-43.

  3. Alam, M. (2021). Environmental activists' hysteresis as a driving force for establishing environmental actions against urban forest privatization in Bandung, Indonesia. International Sociology, 36(6), 801-818.

  4. The American Environmental Values Survey. (2006). American Views on the Environmental in an Era of Polarization and Conflicting Priorities. Washington: ecoAmerica.

  5. Arbuckle, J.G., Morton, L.W., Hobbs, J. (2015). Understanding farmer perspectives on climate change adaptation and mitigation: the roles of trust in sources of climate information, climate change beliefs, and perceived risk. Environmental Behavior, 47, 205-234.

  6. Arcury, T.A. (1990). Environmental attitudes and environmental knowledge. Human Organization, 49, 300-304.

  7. Baliuk, S., Klauning, N., Chetvertukhina, L., Koval-Honchar, M. (2021). Environmental trends in Ukraine: citizens' view. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  8. Bernstein, J. (2016). Renewing the New Environmental Paradigm Scale: The understanding Diversity of contemporary environmental Worldviews. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

  9. Best, H., Mayerl, J. (2013). Values, Beliefs, Attitudes: An Empirical Study on the Structure of Environmental Concern and Recycling Participation. Social Science Quarterly, 94, 691-714.

  10. Borgstedt, S., Christ, T., Reusswig, F. (2010). Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsfrage. Berlin: BWU.

  11. Bourdieu, P. (1997). Pascalian Meditations. Cambridge: Polity Press.

  12. Dunlap, R.E., Van Liere, K.D. (1978). The «new environmental paradigm»: A proposed measuring instrument and preliminary results. Journal of Environmental Education, 9, 10-19.

  13. Dunlap, R.E. (1995). Public Opinion and Environmental Policy. In: Environmental Politics and Policy: Theories and Evidence (pp. 63-114). Durham: Duke University Press.

  14. Dunlap, R.E. (2008). The New Environmental Paradigm Scale: From Marginality to Worldwide Use. Journal of Environmental Education, 40(1), 3-18.

  15. Dunlap, R.E., York, R. (2008). The Globalization of Environmental Concern and the Limits of the Post-Materialist Explanation: Evidence from Four Cross-National Surveys. Sociological Quarterly, 49, 529-563.

  16. Dunlap, R.E., Van Liere, K.D., Mertig, A.G., Jones, R.E. (2000). Measuring endorsement of the new ecological paradigm. A revised NEP scale. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 425-442.

  17. Echavarren, J.M. (2017). From Objective Environmental Problems to Subjective Environmental Concern: A Multilevel Analysis Using 30 Indicators of Environmental Quality. Society & Natural Resources, 30, 145-159.

  18. Ecological portrait of a citizen of Ukraine: comparative analysis with the EU and recommendations. Analytical paper. (2018). Resource and Analytical Center "Society and Environment". [In Ukrainian].

  19. The Environmental Monitor. (1997). Global Public Opinion on the Environment. Toronto: Environics International.

  20. Ester, P., Van der Meer, F. (1982). Determinants of Individual Environmental Behavior: An Outline of a Behavioral Model and Some Research Findings. The Netherlands Journal of Sociology, 18, 57-94.

  21. European Green Deal Barometer. (2021). Institute for European Environmental Policy, GlobeScan. Retrieved from:

  22. The Europeans and their Environment. (1982). Brussels: Commission of the European Communities.

  23. Europeans and the Environment. (1992). Survey conducted in the Context of the Eurobarometer 37.0. Brussels: INRA (Europe) European Coordination Office.

  24. Europeans and the Environment. (1995). Survey conducted in the Context of the Eurobarometer 43.1 bis. Brussels: INRA (Europe) E.C.O.

  25. Franzen, A. (2003). Environmental Attitudes in International Comparison: An Analysis of the ISSP Surveys 1993 and 2000. Social Science Quarterly, 84, 297-308.

  26. Green, D.P., Citrin, J. (1994). Measurement error and the structure of attitudes: Are positive and negative judgments opposites? American Journal of Political Science, 38, 256-281.

  27. Heberlein, T.A. (2012). Navigating Environmental Attitudes. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

  28. Hill, N. (2023). Climate Change: The More You Know, The More You Care. Retrieved from:

  29. Kaiser, F.G., Hübner, G., Bogner, F.X. (2005). Contrasting the Theory of Planned Behavior with the Value-Belief-Norm Model in Explaining Conservation Behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35, 2150-2170.

  30. Kiss, C., Poltimae, H., Struminska, M., Ewing, M. (2006). Environmental Democracy. The Access Initiative Europe; The EMLA Association.

  31. Kopnina, H. (2012). "People are not plants, but both need to grow": qualitative analysis of the new ecological paradigm scale for children. Environmentalist, 32, 394-404.

  32. Kriazh, I.V. (2021). The "new ecological paradigm" scale: experience of its use in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Bulletin of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin, series "Psychology", 70, 86-93.

  33. Lawton, S. (2016). Linking the New Ecological Paradigm Scale to How Pro-Environmental Behavior is Developed. Environmental Studies. Undergraduate Student Theses, 188.

  34. Milfont, T.L., Hawcroft, L.J., Fischer, R. (2008). A meta-analysis of the societal variables with environmental attitudes. Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research, Victoria University of Wellington.

  35. Reis Neto, J. F. (2021). Validating the Scale of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) in Brazilian University Students. Research, Society and Development, 10 (4), 1-11.

  36. Special Eurobarometer 217 "The attitudes of European citizens towards environment". (2005). Retrieved from:

  37. Spezial Eurobarometer 295. Einstellungen der europäischen Bürger zur Umwelt. (2008). Retrieved from:

  38. Stegnii, O. (2012). Sociological reading of nature. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Center for Environmental Education and Information.

  39. Stegnii, O. (2021). Trends in mass environmental awareness of the population of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian society. Monitoring of social changes. 30 years of independence, 8(22), 408-423.

  40. Sztompka, P. (1994). The Sociology of Social Change. Oxford: Blackwell.

  41. Telesiene, A., Gross, M. (2017). Green European. Environmental behavior and attitudes in Europe in a historical and cross-national comparative perspective. London: Routledge.

  42. Telesiene, A., Hadler, M. (2023). Dynamics and landscape of academic discourse on environmental attitudes and behaviors since the 1970s. Frontiers in Sociology, 1-14.

  43. Thomson, J. (2013). New Ecological Paradigm Survey 2008: Analysis of the NEP results. Waikato Regional Council Technical Report. Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2022. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage. (2023). Berlin: BMUV.

  44. Wang, Y., Hao, F., Liu, Y. (2021). Pro-Environmental Behavior in an Aging World: Evidence from 31 Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1-13.

  45. What do Europeans think about the environment? (1999). The main results of the survey carried out in the context of Eurobarometer 51.1. Luxemburg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

  46. Vandenbergh, M.P. (2005). Order Without Social Norms: How Personal Norm Activation Can Protect the Environment. Northwestern University Law Review, 99, 1101-1166.

  47. Van Liere, K.D., Dunlap, R.E. (1980). The Social Bases of Environmental Concern. A Review of Hypotheses, Explanations and Empirical Evidence. Public Opinion Quarterly, 44, 181-199.

Received 28.02.2024



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