A study of trust and satisfaction with local authorities in Ukraine. The impact of populism

stmm. 2024 (2): 101-110


Full text:

OLGA BUROVA, Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Sociopolitical Processes, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

DMYTRO HLOMOZDA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Sociopolitical Processes, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

The article analyzes a number of aspects and factors that, in the authors’ opinion, influence the penetration of populism into local government. It is the aspect of trust that can influence the penetration and even greater influence of populism in local self-government. The authors highlight such important topics as the factors that would contribute to the success of populism and the specifics of its manifestations at the local level. Special attention is paid to the analysis of trust and satisfaction of Ukrainian citizens with the work of local authorities, based and analyzed on empirical data obtained in cooperation with the sociological center "Factum Group".

The article considers populism in local politics as a phenomenon that requires serious attention and analysis. It can have negative consequences for local self-government and lead to political instability and insufficient effectiveness of decisions. One of the main problems with populism is its focus on short-term, populist promises and rhetoric instead of the need for long-term planning and real development. This can lead to unjustified spending of resources and creating dependence on external financial sources, which can negatively affect the sustainability of the local economy. In addition, populism can undermine the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

In the context of academic analysis, studying the impact of populism at the local government level is critical. This analysis is based on the works of R. Putnam and P. Sztompka. In the context of P. Sztompka's theory, the issue of trust in government and its importance for social institutions is considered. R. Putnam emphasizes that democracies and economies in society work better when there is citizen involvement. It was the involvement and influence of citizens on local government that became possible as a result of the decentralization process. Thus, these studies provide an understanding of what trends can affect social processes and public life. The study of these aspects makes it possible to identify effective mechanisms for counteracting the potential threats of populism, which is important for assessing the general prospects for the development of the state and its social stability. To overcome this problem, active participation of citizens, strengthening of civil society institutions, development of critical thinking and principles of openness and transparency are needed.

In the future, we need further research on the aspects of influence and raising questions about other factors and systems of influence on the appearance of populists in local authorities, in order to know what local authorities should pay attention to in order to strengthen trust and resist the spread of populism. Which, as the authors note, are mutually dependent processes.

Keywords: trust, satisfaction, decentralization, populism, political parties, local government, Sztompka's sociological theory of trust


  1. Casaleggio, D. (2018). Opinion - A top leader of Italy's Five Star Movement: Why we won. The Washington Post, March 19.

  2. Cardillo, E. (2023). The Role of Local Authorities in Opposing Populism Through Social Accountability. In: Populism and Accountability: Interdisciplinary Researches on Active Citizenship (pp. 167-187). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

  3. Fedoriv, P. (2018). Not only decentralization: why does Ukraine have a policy of territorial equalization. Mistosite. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  4. Law of Ukraine dated 05/21/1997 No. 280/97-VR On local self-government in Ukraine. Retrieved from:

  5. Mair, P. (2006). Ruling the Void: The Hollowing of Western Democracy. New Left Review, 42(Nov/Dec), 25-51.

  6. Mudde, C., Kaltwasser, C.R. (2017). Populism - A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  7. Putnam, R.D. (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton University Press.

  8. Shevchenko, O. (2020). Disparities in socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine: essence, assessment, strategic regulation. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: NUOU.

  9. Shcherbak, S. (2023). Studying populism: a theoretical framework and the case of Ukraine. Ideology and Politics Journal, 1(23), pp. 108-126.

  10. Sztompka, P. (1999). Trust: a sociological theory. University Press.

  11. Urbinati, N. (2019). Me The People: How Populism Transforms Democracy. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Harvard University Press.

Received 6.03.2024

A study of trust and satisfaction with local authorities in Ukraine. The impact of populism

stmm. 2024 (2): 101-110


Full text:

OLGA BUROVA, Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Sociopolitical Processes, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

DMYTRO HLOMOZDA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Sociopolitical Processes, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

The article analyzes a number of aspects and factors that, in the authors’ opinion, influence the penetration of populism into local government. It is the aspect of trust that can influence the penetration and even greater influence of populism in local self-government. The authors highlight such important topics as the factors that would contribute to the success of populism and the specifics of its manifestations at the local level. Special attention is paid to the analysis of trust and satisfaction of Ukrainian citizens with the work of local authorities, based and analyzed on empirical data obtained in cooperation with the sociological center "Factum Group".

The article considers populism in local politics as a phenomenon that requires serious attention and analysis. It can have negative consequences for local self-government and lead to political instability and insufficient effectiveness of decisions. One of the main problems with populism is its focus on short-term, populist promises and rhetoric instead of the need for long-term planning and real development. This can lead to unjustified spending of resources and creating dependence on external financial sources, which can negatively affect the sustainability of the local economy. In addition, populism can undermine the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

In the context of academic analysis, studying the impact of populism at the local government level is critical. This analysis is based on the works of R. Putnam and P. Sztompka. In the context of P. Sztompka's theory, the issue of trust in government and its importance for social institutions is considered. R. Putnam emphasizes that democracies and economies in society work better when there is citizen involvement. It was the involvement and influence of citizens on local government that became possible as a result of the decentralization process. Thus, these studies provide an understanding of what trends can affect social processes and public life. The study of these aspects makes it possible to identify effective mechanisms for counteracting the potential threats of populism, which is important for assessing the general prospects for the development of the state and its social stability. To overcome this problem, active participation of citizens, strengthening of civil society institutions, development of critical thinking and principles of openness and transparency are needed.

In the future, we need further research on the aspects of influence and raising questions about other factors and systems of influence on the appearance of populists in local authorities, in order to know what local authorities should pay attention to in order to strengthen trust and resist the spread of populism. Which, as the authors note, are mutually dependent processes.

Keywords: trust, satisfaction, decentralization, populism, political parties, local government, Sztompka's sociological theory of trust


  1. Casaleggio, D. (2018). Opinion - A top leader of Italy's Five Star Movement: Why we won. The Washington Post, March 19.

  2. Cardillo, E. (2023). The Role of Local Authorities in Opposing Populism Through Social Accountability. In: Populism and Accountability: Interdisciplinary Researches on Active Citizenship (pp. 167-187). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

  3. Fedoriv, P. (2018). Not only decentralization: why does Ukraine have a policy of territorial equalization. Mistosite. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  4. Law of Ukraine dated 05/21/1997 No. 280/97-VR On local self-government in Ukraine. Retrieved from:

  5. Mair, P. (2006). Ruling the Void: The Hollowing of Western Democracy. New Left Review, 42(Nov/Dec), 25-51.

  6. Mudde, C., Kaltwasser, C.R. (2017). Populism - A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  7. Putnam, R.D. (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton University Press.

  8. Shevchenko, O. (2020). Disparities in socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine: essence, assessment, strategic regulation. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: NUOU.

  9. Shcherbak, S. (2023). Studying populism: a theoretical framework and the case of Ukraine. Ideology and Politics Journal, 1(23), pp. 108-126.

  10. Sztompka, P. (1999). Trust: a sociological theory. University Press.

  11. Urbinati, N. (2019). Me The People: How Populism Transforms Democracy. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Harvard University Press.

Received 6.03.2024



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