Victor Burlachuk (Kyiv) Once More to the Question “What is a Society?” Full article: RU
Yevhen Suimenko (Kyiv) Material and Productive Life Activity of Human Beings: Social and Individual Ways Full article: RU
Natalia Chernysh (Lviv), Ol’ha Rovenchak (Lviv) Socio cultural Approach: The Main Concepts, Statements and Specific Character of Their Application in Sociology Full article: RU
Liudmyla Ryazanova (Kyiv) The “Star” Phenomenon in Modern Mass Culture (Functional Analysis) Full article: RU
Valerii Khmelko (Kyiv) Attitude of Ukrainian Citizens Towards Ukraine’s Entry into the European Union and NATO and Their Assessment of Own Awareness About These Organizations Full article: RU
Mykhailo Mishchenko (Kyiv) Street Survey in the Study of Electoral Orientations Full article: RU
Oksana Danylenko (Kyiv) The Role of Qualitative Methods in the Study of Social Conflicts Full article: RU
Oleksii Horbachyk (Kyiv) Computer Processing of Texts in Qualitative and Quantitative Sociological Studies Full article: RU
Valerii Pylypenko (Kyiv) People under the Market Economy Conditions: Verbal Behavior and Estimation of Reforms Full article: RU
Vira Arbenina (Kharkiv) What do the Sociologists of Ukraine Work on? The Results of “Kharkiv Sociological Readings” Content analysis Full article: RU
Sociological Club Session on the Discussion of the “Life Style” Category Full article: RU
Natalia Tarapatova (Kyiv) On the European Vector of University Organization Development: Is It the Way to the Application of “European” Model? Full article: RU
Victor Burlachuk (Kyiv) Once More to the Question “What is a Society?” Full article: RU
Yevhen Suimenko (Kyiv) Material and Productive Life Activity of Human Beings: Social and Individual Ways Full article: RU
Natalia Chernysh (Lviv), Ol’ha Rovenchak (Lviv) Socio cultural Approach: The Main Concepts, Statements and Specific Character of Their Application in Sociology Full article: RU
Liudmyla Ryazanova (Kyiv) The “Star” Phenomenon in Modern Mass Culture (Functional Analysis) Full article: RU
Valerii Khmelko (Kyiv) Attitude of Ukrainian Citizens Towards Ukraine’s Entry into the European Union and NATO and Their Assessment of Own Awareness About These Organizations Full article: RU
Mykhailo Mishchenko (Kyiv) Street Survey in the Study of Electoral Orientations Full article: RU
Oksana Danylenko (Kyiv) The Role of Qualitative Methods in the Study of Social Conflicts Full article: RU
Oleksii Horbachyk (Kyiv) Computer Processing of Texts in Qualitative and Quantitative Sociological Studies Full article: RU
Valerii Pylypenko (Kyiv) People under the Market Economy Conditions: Verbal Behavior and Estimation of Reforms Full article: RU
Vira Arbenina (Kharkiv) What do the Sociologists of Ukraine Work on? The Results of “Kharkiv Sociological Readings” Content analysis Full article: RU
Sociological Club Session on the Discussion of the “Life Style” Category Full article: RU
Natalia Tarapatova (Kyiv) On the European Vector of University Organization Development: Is It the Way to the Application of “European” Model? Full article: RU