Digitization as a new reality under conditions of social instability

stmm. 2024 (3): 25-46


Full text:

OLENA IVANENKO, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Economic Sociology, Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

The article deals with the phenomenon of digitization as a new reality of today's economic and everyday life, its active development and expansion. Emphasizing the concept of the development of the digital economy and society long before the COVID-19 pandemic and large-scale war (for the period of 2018-2020), and therefore the approval of the National Economic Strategy until 2030, marked the place of Ukraine in the global context and determined the incentives for the further development of digitalization in order to achieve a competitive level of our country in the world. Participation in various world ratings for determining the degree of technological development, network readiness (NRI), innovation level (GII), and global competitiveness (GCI), etc. clearly shows the level of development of information and communication technologies in the country, allows you to assess its potential in this area, and shows its strongest and weakest points. The results of these assessments, published annually in reports, show the ability of our country to be among the top fifty countries of the world and to compete decently on the international market, if not in technical terms, then in the potential of human resources despite any negative circumstances and a long war. The article also talks about the benefits and potential risks of digitization in all areas (the danger of cyber threats, unemployment, digital inequality, of the artificial intelligence development, etc.). Emphasis on positives and negatives is relevant and important for strategic forecasts and planning, both in defeating the enemy on the battlefield and in further rebuilding the state and its competitiveness at the international level.

Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, risks of digitalization, development indices, startup, artificial intelligence


  1. A billion dollars for a startup from Kyiv: how Grammarly became a unicorn and why it is not for sale. (2020). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  2. About Industry 5.0 - why it is becoming relevant for Ukraine. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  3. Bilousov, Ye.M., Borisov, I. V. et al. (2021). The concept of "Industry 4.0": problems of implementation and certain legal aspects of its application in Ukraine. Ed. by S.V. Hlebka. Kharkiv: Research Institute of Law. Ens. Innov. Dev., National Academy of Low Sciences of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  4. Boyko, N. (2020). The Internet as a social resource for the democratization of modern Ukrainian society. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  5. Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios. (2015). A Literature Review. Retrieved from: Design-Principles-for-Industrie-4_0-Scenarios (1).pdf

  6. Digitalization of Ukraine: before, during and after a full-scale war. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  7. Digitization, digitalization, digital and transformation: the differences (s.a.). Retrieved from:

  8. Diya is 3 years old. How did Ukraine get a place in the world history of digitization? What services do Ukrainians most often use in Diya, and what new will appear in the application in the near future? (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  9. Drones at sea and on land, artificial intelligence and the Javelin simulator: how military-tech developments are bringing the victory of Ukraine closer. (2023) [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  10. Eight applications that will be useful to Ukrainians during the war. (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  11. Free IT education: admissions for training from the Ministry of Digitization will start in Ukraine. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  12. Future of IT Report 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:

  13. Future of Jobs Report 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:, р. 6

  14. GBS World Competitiveness Index Releases Advanced Results for Digital and ITO services. (2022). Retrieved from:

  15. Global Innovation Index 2019. Ukraine. (2019). Retrieved from:

  16. Global Innovation Index 2020. Ukraine. (2020). Retrieved from:

  17. Global Innovation Index 2021. Ukraine. (2021). Retrieved from:

  18. Global Innovation Index 2022. Ukraine. (2022). Retrieved from:

  19. Global Innovation Index 2023. Ukraine. (2023). Retrieved from:

  20. Global Skills Report 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:

  21. Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:

  22. Industry 5.0 - the essence and reasons why it gets Money attention. (s.a.). Retrieved from:

  23. Isaacson, W. (2017). The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution. [In Ukrainian]. Кyiv: Nash Format.

  24. IT-image of Ukraine in the world. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  25. Lapin, A.V., Hrynchuk, I.O., Oleniuk, D.O. (2022) Digitalization of the economy in Ukraine: current state and prospect. Effective economy, 7. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  26. Mantsurov, I.H., Khrapunova, Ya.V., Omelchenko, V.P., Barvinok, A.S. (2022). Methodology of statistical assessment of the state and dynamics of digital transformation. Ekonomika Ukrainy, 3(724). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  27. Mashchenko, O.V., Kozachenko, Yu.P. (2023). Implementation of the privatization process in the activities of state tax service bodies. Pravo ta Derzhava, 3. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  28. McGinnis, D. (2023). What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Retrieved from:

  29. Network Readiness Index 2020. Accelerating Digital Transformation in a post-COVID Global Economy. (2022). Retrieved from:

  30. Network Readiness Index 2022. Benchmarking the Future of the Network Economy. (202). Retrieved from:

  31. Network Readiness Index 2023. Trust in a Network Society: A crisis of the digital age? (202). Retrieved from:

  32. Oleshko, T.I., Kasyanova, N.V., Smerichevskiy, S. F. et al. (2022). Digital economy. Kyiv: NAU. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  33. On approval of the national economic strategy for the period until 2030. Resolution of March 03, 2021 No. 179. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  34. On the approval of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and the approval of the plan of measures for its implementation. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 17, 2018 No. 67. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  35. On the way to a million drones. UAV production results, technological challenges and new tasks for 2024. (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  36. Privatbank is talking about a turning point in online trade: digital authentication of payments has been launched. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  37. Pyshchulina, O. (2020). Digital economy: trends, risks and social determinants. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Razumkov Center; Zapovit Publishing House. Retrieved from:

  38. Raevneva, O.V., Aksionova, I.V., Brovko, O.I. (2021). Comparative rating analysis of the state and trends of digitization of Ukrainian society and economy. Problemy Ekonomiky, 4. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  39. Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond. Retrieved from:

  40. Sequoia's guide to Europe's technical talent. (2023). Retrieved from:

  41. Statista. (2023). Number of internet and social media users worldwide as of July 2023 (in billions). Retrieved from: statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/

  42. The Cabinet of Ministers created a group that will implement anti-corruption digital products. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  43. The Digital Economy and Society Index will be calculated in Ukraine. Why is this important? (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Forbes (Ukraine). Retrieved from:

  44. The first digital war. Mykhailo Fedorov tells how Ukraine is fighting Russia on the cyber front. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  45. The Global Risk Report. (2024). Retrieved from:*yzlnit*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq_YiZPO0njpSkO5s5v-LjcuDnfl-Zzv3sdAHxSHXRXnb-1W_I7i3bu0dhoCKGEQAvD_BwE

  46. Ukrainian defense tech: market features. What is necessary to create a successful military tech product that will reach the end consumer, and which countries should rely on the experience? (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  47. Ukrainian IT at war: how it was, how it is now and what are the forecasts. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  48. Vinnyk, O.M., Popovych, T.G., Derevyanko, B.V. (2022). Regulation of the type of digital economy: some aspects. Bulletin of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 29(3). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  49. Тhe ten most anticipated technological innovations of 2024. (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

Received 20.03.2024

Digitization as a new reality under conditions of social instability

stmm. 2024 (3): 25-46


Full text:

OLENA IVANENKO, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Economic Sociology, Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

The article deals with the phenomenon of digitization as a new reality of today's economic and everyday life, its active development and expansion. Emphasizing the concept of the development of the digital economy and society long before the COVID-19 pandemic and large-scale war (for the period of 2018-2020), and therefore the approval of the National Economic Strategy until 2030, marked the place of Ukraine in the global context and determined the incentives for the further development of digitalization in order to achieve a competitive level of our country in the world. Participation in various world ratings for determining the degree of technological development, network readiness (NRI), innovation level (GII), and global competitiveness (GCI), etc. clearly shows the level of development of information and communication technologies in the country, allows you to assess its potential in this area, and shows its strongest and weakest points. The results of these assessments, published annually in reports, show the ability of our country to be among the top fifty countries of the world and to compete decently on the international market, if not in technical terms, then in the potential of human resources despite any negative circumstances and a long war. The article also talks about the benefits and potential risks of digitization in all areas (the danger of cyber threats, unemployment, digital inequality, of the artificial intelligence development, etc.). Emphasis on positives and negatives is relevant and important for strategic forecasts and planning, both in defeating the enemy on the battlefield and in further rebuilding the state and its competitiveness at the international level.

Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, risks of digitalization, development indices, startup, artificial intelligence


  1. A billion dollars for a startup from Kyiv: how Grammarly became a unicorn and why it is not for sale. (2020). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  2. About Industry 5.0 - why it is becoming relevant for Ukraine. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  3. Bilousov, Ye.M., Borisov, I. V. et al. (2021). The concept of "Industry 4.0": problems of implementation and certain legal aspects of its application in Ukraine. Ed. by S.V. Hlebka. Kharkiv: Research Institute of Law. Ens. Innov. Dev., National Academy of Low Sciences of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  4. Boyko, N. (2020). The Internet as a social resource for the democratization of modern Ukrainian society. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  5. Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios. (2015). A Literature Review. Retrieved from: Design-Principles-for-Industrie-4_0-Scenarios (1).pdf

  6. Digitalization of Ukraine: before, during and after a full-scale war. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  7. Digitization, digitalization, digital and transformation: the differences (s.a.). Retrieved from:

  8. Diya is 3 years old. How did Ukraine get a place in the world history of digitization? What services do Ukrainians most often use in Diya, and what new will appear in the application in the near future? (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  9. Drones at sea and on land, artificial intelligence and the Javelin simulator: how military-tech developments are bringing the victory of Ukraine closer. (2023) [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  10. Eight applications that will be useful to Ukrainians during the war. (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  11. Free IT education: admissions for training from the Ministry of Digitization will start in Ukraine. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  12. Future of IT Report 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:

  13. Future of Jobs Report 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:, р. 6

  14. GBS World Competitiveness Index Releases Advanced Results for Digital and ITO services. (2022). Retrieved from:

  15. Global Innovation Index 2019. Ukraine. (2019). Retrieved from:

  16. Global Innovation Index 2020. Ukraine. (2020). Retrieved from:

  17. Global Innovation Index 2021. Ukraine. (2021). Retrieved from:

  18. Global Innovation Index 2022. Ukraine. (2022). Retrieved from:

  19. Global Innovation Index 2023. Ukraine. (2023). Retrieved from:

  20. Global Skills Report 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:

  21. Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2023. (2023). Retrieved from:

  22. Industry 5.0 - the essence and reasons why it gets Money attention. (s.a.). Retrieved from:

  23. Isaacson, W. (2017). The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution. [In Ukrainian]. Кyiv: Nash Format.

  24. IT-image of Ukraine in the world. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  25. Lapin, A.V., Hrynchuk, I.O., Oleniuk, D.O. (2022) Digitalization of the economy in Ukraine: current state and prospect. Effective economy, 7. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  26. Mantsurov, I.H., Khrapunova, Ya.V., Omelchenko, V.P., Barvinok, A.S. (2022). Methodology of statistical assessment of the state and dynamics of digital transformation. Ekonomika Ukrainy, 3(724). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  27. Mashchenko, O.V., Kozachenko, Yu.P. (2023). Implementation of the privatization process in the activities of state tax service bodies. Pravo ta Derzhava, 3. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  28. McGinnis, D. (2023). What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Retrieved from:

  29. Network Readiness Index 2020. Accelerating Digital Transformation in a post-COVID Global Economy. (2022). Retrieved from:

  30. Network Readiness Index 2022. Benchmarking the Future of the Network Economy. (202). Retrieved from:

  31. Network Readiness Index 2023. Trust in a Network Society: A crisis of the digital age? (202). Retrieved from:

  32. Oleshko, T.I., Kasyanova, N.V., Smerichevskiy, S. F. et al. (2022). Digital economy. Kyiv: NAU. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  33. On approval of the national economic strategy for the period until 2030. Resolution of March 03, 2021 No. 179. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  34. On the approval of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and the approval of the plan of measures for its implementation. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 17, 2018 No. 67. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  35. On the way to a million drones. UAV production results, technological challenges and new tasks for 2024. (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  36. Privatbank is talking about a turning point in online trade: digital authentication of payments has been launched. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  37. Pyshchulina, O. (2020). Digital economy: trends, risks and social determinants. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Razumkov Center; Zapovit Publishing House. Retrieved from:

  38. Raevneva, O.V., Aksionova, I.V., Brovko, O.I. (2021). Comparative rating analysis of the state and trends of digitization of Ukrainian society and economy. Problemy Ekonomiky, 4. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  39. Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond. Retrieved from:

  40. Sequoia's guide to Europe's technical talent. (2023). Retrieved from:

  41. Statista. (2023). Number of internet and social media users worldwide as of July 2023 (in billions). Retrieved from: statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/

  42. The Cabinet of Ministers created a group that will implement anti-corruption digital products. (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  43. The Digital Economy and Society Index will be calculated in Ukraine. Why is this important? (2023). [In Ukrainian]. Forbes (Ukraine). Retrieved from:

  44. The first digital war. Mykhailo Fedorov tells how Ukraine is fighting Russia on the cyber front. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  45. The Global Risk Report. (2024). Retrieved from:*yzlnit*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq_YiZPO0njpSkO5s5v-LjcuDnfl-Zzv3sdAHxSHXRXnb-1W_I7i3bu0dhoCKGEQAvD_BwE

  46. Ukrainian defense tech: market features. What is necessary to create a successful military tech product that will reach the end consumer, and which countries should rely on the experience? (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  47. Ukrainian IT at war: how it was, how it is now and what are the forecasts. (2022). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  48. Vinnyk, O.M., Popovych, T.G., Derevyanko, B.V. (2022). Regulation of the type of digital economy: some aspects. Bulletin of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 29(3). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

  49. Тhe ten most anticipated technological innovations of 2024. (2024). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from:

Received 20.03.2024



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