Space of perception of holidays by Ukrainians: towards the possibilities of conceptualization

stmm. 2024 (3): 149-168


Full text:

ALEXANDER GOLIKOV, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Associate Professor, the Department of Sociology, Deputy Dean for Scientific Issues, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4, Maidan Svobody, Kharkiv, 61022)

SOFIA NOLBAT, Master of Sociology, graduate of the Faculty of Sociology, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, independent researcher (4, Maidan Svobody, Kharkiv, 61022)

The article is devoted to the study of the perceptual space of the functioning of the holiday in Ukrainian society. The authors refer to the materials of the multi-year survey-omnibus KІIS with the aim of analyzing the differentiation of distances and relationships between a number of religious, secular, and state holidays in Ukrainian society using the method of multidimensional scaling. The article proposes its own conception of the space of perception, built on a number of known concepts of social perception. Proposing hypotheses regarding the potential axes of spatial structuring is carried out using the work of such sociologists and anthropologists as representatives of the College of Sociology (J. Bataille, R. Caillois), classical sociology (E. Durkheim) and carnival theory (M. Bakhtin). At the conceptual level, the authors take into account the dialectic of unity and struggle of individual and collective, sacred and profane, rational and irrational, public and intimate, etc. in the holiday. Within the framework of the analysis, the authors identified and described the axes that are stable and reproduced in all years of the KІIS omnibus survey, which the authors designate as "rational modernity - irrational archaic" and "publicity - privacy". The authors pay special attention to the dynamics of the holidays selected for analysis; they refer to the holidays that demonstrate the greatest "movements" in space over the years. Considerable attention is paid to attempts to explain the reasons for such dynamics, which the authors look for in externalities relative to public awareness of holidays (political events, pandemic (self) isolation, cultural processes, social phenomena, etc.). Among the holidays, the authors receive special attention Trinity, Victory Day (May 9), Independence Day of Ukraine, Defender's Day, New Year, Christmas, International Women's Day, which, firstly, turned out to be the most sensitive to the factors of dynamics specified by the authors, and - the second - the most dynamic and sociologically demonstrative. A number of prospects for further research of this topic are proposed, starting from what the authors have already achieved in this article.

Keywords: holiday; practices; multidimensional scaling; space; perception; Ukrainians; rational; irrational; modern; archaic; private; public


  1. Babenko, N. (2005). Integration of family traditions, holidays and rituals into the forms of culturally relevant life activity of the modern family. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi sotsium, 1, 72-82.

  2. Bataieva, K. (2022). Mykhailo Drahomanov on the consequences of violation of the principle of separation of church and state. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi Sotsiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 27, 23-32.

  3. Bondar, T., Dmytruk, D. (2017). New Year's moods and expectations: monitoring of public opinion of the population of Ukraine, December 2017. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi Sotsium, 4, 168-177.

  4. Bourdieu, P. (2019). Public Opinion Does Not Exist.

  5. Debord, G., Knabb, K. (2005). Society of the Spectacle. Rebel Press.

  6. Golikov, A. (2019a). Kharkiv residents' knowledge of the (un)acceptable: a generational cross-section (based on the results of an empirical study). [In Ukrainian]. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series 'Sociological Studies of Modern Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods', 43, 34-40.

  7. Golikov, A. (2019b). The unacceptable as a structure in social knowledge: an empirical sketch on the example of the perception of Kharkiv residents. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian Society, 1, 40-61.

  8. Golikov, A. (2022). Education as a commodity? (a sketch of sociological expertise). Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 27, 33-43.

  9. Guttman, P. (2023). Christmas in America: A Photographic Celebration of the Holiday Season [2nd ed.]. Skyhorse.

  10. Ingram, J.P. (2021). Festive Enterprise: The Business of Drama in Medieval and Renaissance England. University of Notre Dame Press.

  11. Lutsiv, O. (2015). Features of individual religiosity in the context of confessional affiliation in modern Ukrainian society. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi sotsium, 2, 7-16.

  12. Makeiev, S. (2014). Social structure and transformations. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 1, 27-29.

  13. Ritzer, G. (2018). The McDonaldization of Society: Into the Digital Age. Sage Publications.

  14. Rossi, P.H. (Ed.). (1982). Toward a Structural Theory of Action. Network Models of Social Structure, Perception and Action. Academic Press.

  15. Rothman, W. (2021). The Holiday in His Eye: Stanley Cavell's Vision of Film and Philosoph. State University of New York Press.

  16. Rutherford, M. D., Kuhlmeier, V.A. (2013). Social perception: detection and interpretation of animacy, agency, and intention. MIT Press.

  17. Sennett, R. (2002). The Fall of Public Man. Penguin Books.

  18. Shynkarenko, O. (2015). Integrated marketing communications in electoral marketing. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi Sotsiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 1-2, 61-65.

  19. Teiford, J.B. (2008). Social Perception: 21st Century Issues and Challenges. Nova Science Publishers.

  20. Zaitseva-Chipak, N. (2011). Peculiarities of the influence of the religious factor on the basic subsystems of modern Ukrainian society. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi sotsium, 3, 35-44.

Received 30.05.2024

Space of perception of holidays by Ukrainians: towards the possibilities of conceptualization

stmm. 2024 (3): 149-168


Full text:

ALEXANDER GOLIKOV, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Associate Professor, the Department of Sociology, Deputy Dean for Scientific Issues, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4, Maidan Svobody, Kharkiv, 61022)

SOFIA NOLBAT, Master of Sociology, graduate of the Faculty of Sociology, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, independent researcher (4, Maidan Svobody, Kharkiv, 61022)

The article is devoted to the study of the perceptual space of the functioning of the holiday in Ukrainian society. The authors refer to the materials of the multi-year survey-omnibus KІIS with the aim of analyzing the differentiation of distances and relationships between a number of religious, secular, and state holidays in Ukrainian society using the method of multidimensional scaling. The article proposes its own conception of the space of perception, built on a number of known concepts of social perception. Proposing hypotheses regarding the potential axes of spatial structuring is carried out using the work of such sociologists and anthropologists as representatives of the College of Sociology (J. Bataille, R. Caillois), classical sociology (E. Durkheim) and carnival theory (M. Bakhtin). At the conceptual level, the authors take into account the dialectic of unity and struggle of individual and collective, sacred and profane, rational and irrational, public and intimate, etc. in the holiday. Within the framework of the analysis, the authors identified and described the axes that are stable and reproduced in all years of the KІIS omnibus survey, which the authors designate as "rational modernity - irrational archaic" and "publicity - privacy". The authors pay special attention to the dynamics of the holidays selected for analysis; they refer to the holidays that demonstrate the greatest "movements" in space over the years. Considerable attention is paid to attempts to explain the reasons for such dynamics, which the authors look for in externalities relative to public awareness of holidays (political events, pandemic (self) isolation, cultural processes, social phenomena, etc.). Among the holidays, the authors receive special attention Trinity, Victory Day (May 9), Independence Day of Ukraine, Defender's Day, New Year, Christmas, International Women's Day, which, firstly, turned out to be the most sensitive to the factors of dynamics specified by the authors, and - the second - the most dynamic and sociologically demonstrative. A number of prospects for further research of this topic are proposed, starting from what the authors have already achieved in this article.

Keywords: holiday; practices; multidimensional scaling; space; perception; Ukrainians; rational; irrational; modern; archaic; private; public


  1. Babenko, N. (2005). Integration of family traditions, holidays and rituals into the forms of culturally relevant life activity of the modern family. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi sotsium, 1, 72-82.

  2. Bataieva, K. (2022). Mykhailo Drahomanov on the consequences of violation of the principle of separation of church and state. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi Sotsiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 27, 23-32.

  3. Bondar, T., Dmytruk, D. (2017). New Year's moods and expectations: monitoring of public opinion of the population of Ukraine, December 2017. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi Sotsium, 4, 168-177.

  4. Bourdieu, P. (2019). Public Opinion Does Not Exist.

  5. Debord, G., Knabb, K. (2005). Society of the Spectacle. Rebel Press.

  6. Golikov, A. (2019a). Kharkiv residents' knowledge of the (un)acceptable: a generational cross-section (based on the results of an empirical study). [In Ukrainian]. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series 'Sociological Studies of Modern Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods', 43, 34-40.

  7. Golikov, A. (2019b). The unacceptable as a structure in social knowledge: an empirical sketch on the example of the perception of Kharkiv residents. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian Society, 1, 40-61.

  8. Golikov, A. (2022). Education as a commodity? (a sketch of sociological expertise). Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 27, 33-43.

  9. Guttman, P. (2023). Christmas in America: A Photographic Celebration of the Holiday Season [2nd ed.]. Skyhorse.

  10. Ingram, J.P. (2021). Festive Enterprise: The Business of Drama in Medieval and Renaissance England. University of Notre Dame Press.

  11. Lutsiv, O. (2015). Features of individual religiosity in the context of confessional affiliation in modern Ukrainian society. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi sotsium, 2, 7-16.

  12. Makeiev, S. (2014). Social structure and transformations. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 1, 27-29.

  13. Ritzer, G. (2018). The McDonaldization of Society: Into the Digital Age. Sage Publications.

  14. Rossi, P.H. (Ed.). (1982). Toward a Structural Theory of Action. Network Models of Social Structure, Perception and Action. Academic Press.

  15. Rothman, W. (2021). The Holiday in His Eye: Stanley Cavell's Vision of Film and Philosoph. State University of New York Press.

  16. Rutherford, M. D., Kuhlmeier, V.A. (2013). Social perception: detection and interpretation of animacy, agency, and intention. MIT Press.

  17. Sennett, R. (2002). The Fall of Public Man. Penguin Books.

  18. Shynkarenko, O. (2015). Integrated marketing communications in electoral marketing. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi Sotsiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 1-2, 61-65.

  19. Teiford, J.B. (2008). Social Perception: 21st Century Issues and Challenges. Nova Science Publishers.

  20. Zaitseva-Chipak, N. (2011). Peculiarities of the influence of the religious factor on the basic subsystems of modern Ukrainian society. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainskyi sotsium, 3, 35-44.

Received 30.05.2024



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