Irony and self-irony as markers of cultural identity

stmm. 2024 (3): 183-202

Full text:

RAISA SHULGA, Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology of Culture and Mass Communications, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

Global shifts that take place in all levels of social life, both in Ukraine and in the world, the transience of events, which acquires a routine character, encourage comprehension and rethinking of the meaning of factors that affirm, testify to the rootedness of a person and community in existence, structure social ties, determine the emotional level of a person's attitude to the world around him, to himself. One of these factors is, of course, humor in all its manifestations. The ethnic, national nature of humor, its deep-rooted cultural contextuality opens up the possibility of understanding the ways in which the identity of representatives of different nations is formed. Studies of the manifestations of humor, and specifically its variety, irony, in various spheres of life, give reason to consider it as an important marker of national identity. The article shows the influence of many factors – natural, climatic, historical, cultural, social, etc. on the peculiarities of the functioning of irony in different regions of the world. There are also different meaningful, ethical, communicative, etc., the weightiness of irony in different cultures.

Keywords: humor and irony; ethno-national nature of humor and irony; cultural contexts of humor and irony; markers of national identity; irony and self-irony


Aristotle. (2018). Poetics. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv, Kharkiv: Folio. [=Арістотель 2018]

Biletska, O.O. (2016). Irony as a cultural phenomenon (on the example of British literature). [In Ukrainian]. In: O.O. Biletska, Culture and Art in the Modern World (vol. 17, pp. 25–34). Retrieved from: [=Білецька 2016]

Brytsyna, O. (2005). About Rabelaisianism, pepper and Ukrainian humor. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from:,_perets_i_ukrayinskiy_gumor.html [=Брицина 2005]

Freud, Z. (1997). Wit and its relation to the unconscious. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ [=Фрейд 1997]

Gibernau, M. (2012). The Identity of Nations. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Tempora. [=Ґібернау 2012]

History of Enfland. (s.a.). [In Russian]. Взято з: [=История s.a.]

Humor markers. (2017). In: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor (pp. 385–399). Routledge. Retrieved from:

Jewish humor. (s.a.). [In Russian]. Taken from: [=Юмор s.a.]

Kalyta, O. (2013). Means of irony in short prose (the end of the twentieth – the beginning of the twenty-first century). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Калита 2013]

Kalyta, O. (s.a.). Types of comic texts and features of their stylistic analysis. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from: [=Калита s.a.]

Laughter in Islam. (s.a.). [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Смех s.a.]

Library of Ukrainian Literature. (s.a.). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Бібліотека s.a.]

Nidzelska, Y.M. (2023). Irony as a Means of Creating Comic Effect in Jewish English-Language Jokes. [In Ukrainian]. [=Нідзельська 2023]

Oz Amos / Oz-Salzberger Fania. (2017). Jews and Words. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera. [=Оз Амос 2017]

Poetics of Small Genres of Folklore. (2016). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Поетика 2016]

Pokhodnia, S.I. (1989). Linguistic types and means of realization of irony. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. [=Походня 1989]

Semkiv, R. (2014). Self-Awareness, Identity and Their Correlation with Forms of Comedy in Fiction: Formulation of Hypotheses. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from: [=Семків 2014]

Semkiv, R. (2022). Humor and Satire in Ukrainian Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: An Attempt at Postcolonial Reading. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from: [=Семків 2022]

Skidanova, V. (s.a.). To laugh is not smerry indeed. Such a different sense of humor. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Скиданова s.a.]

Stratiychuk, K. (s.a.). Linguocognitive and functional-pragmatic features of irony-effect in the British and Ukrainian linguocultural spaces. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/Use4r/Downloads/11581 [=Стратійчук s.a.]

Struts’, R. (1999). Varieties of irony. Scientific Notes of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Vol. 4. Philology (pp. 37–42). [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: 1999. [=Струць 1999]

Wedding ceremony and wedding songs of the village of Oleksandrivka. (s.a.). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Обряд s.a.]

Received 08.03.2024

Irony and self-irony as markers of cultural identity

stmm. 2024 (3): 183-202

Full text:

RAISA SHULGA, Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology of Culture and Mass Communications, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)

Global shifts that take place in all levels of social life, both in Ukraine and in the world, the transience of events, which acquires a routine character, encourage comprehension and rethinking of the meaning of factors that affirm, testify to the rootedness of a person and community in existence, structure social ties, determine the emotional level of a person's attitude to the world around him, to himself. One of these factors is, of course, humor in all its manifestations. The ethnic, national nature of humor, its deep-rooted cultural contextuality opens up the possibility of understanding the ways in which the identity of representatives of different nations is formed. Studies of the manifestations of humor, and specifically its variety, irony, in various spheres of life, give reason to consider it as an important marker of national identity. The article shows the influence of many factors – natural, climatic, historical, cultural, social, etc. on the peculiarities of the functioning of irony in different regions of the world. There are also different meaningful, ethical, communicative, etc., the weightiness of irony in different cultures.

Keywords: humor and irony; ethno-national nature of humor and irony; cultural contexts of humor and irony; markers of national identity; irony and self-irony


Aristotle. (2018). Poetics. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv, Kharkiv: Folio. [=Арістотель 2018]

Biletska, O.O. (2016). Irony as a cultural phenomenon (on the example of British literature). [In Ukrainian]. In: O.O. Biletska, Culture and Art in the Modern World (vol. 17, pp. 25–34). Retrieved from: [=Білецька 2016]

Brytsyna, O. (2005). About Rabelaisianism, pepper and Ukrainian humor. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from:,_perets_i_ukrayinskiy_gumor.html [=Брицина 2005]

Freud, Z. (1997). Wit and its relation to the unconscious. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ [=Фрейд 1997]

Gibernau, M. (2012). The Identity of Nations. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Tempora. [=Ґібернау 2012]

History of Enfland. (s.a.). [In Russian]. Взято з: [=История s.a.]

Humor markers. (2017). In: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor (pp. 385–399). Routledge. Retrieved from:

Jewish humor. (s.a.). [In Russian]. Taken from: [=Юмор s.a.]

Kalyta, O. (2013). Means of irony in short prose (the end of the twentieth – the beginning of the twenty-first century). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Калита 2013]

Kalyta, O. (s.a.). Types of comic texts and features of their stylistic analysis. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from: [=Калита s.a.]

Laughter in Islam. (s.a.). [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Смех s.a.]

Library of Ukrainian Literature. (s.a.). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Бібліотека s.a.]

Nidzelska, Y.M. (2023). Irony as a Means of Creating Comic Effect in Jewish English-Language Jokes. [In Ukrainian]. [=Нідзельська 2023]

Oz Amos / Oz-Salzberger Fania. (2017). Jews and Words. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera. [=Оз Амос 2017]

Poetics of Small Genres of Folklore. (2016). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Поетика 2016]

Pokhodnia, S.I. (1989). Linguistic types and means of realization of irony. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. [=Походня 1989]

Semkiv, R. (2014). Self-Awareness, Identity and Their Correlation with Forms of Comedy in Fiction: Formulation of Hypotheses. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from: [=Семків 2014]

Semkiv, R. (2022). Humor and Satire in Ukrainian Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: An Attempt at Postcolonial Reading. [In Ukrainian]. Taken from: [=Семків 2022]

Skidanova, V. (s.a.). To laugh is not smerry indeed. Such a different sense of humor. [In Russian]. Retrieved from: [=Скиданова s.a.]

Stratiychuk, K. (s.a.). Linguocognitive and functional-pragmatic features of irony-effect in the British and Ukrainian linguocultural spaces. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/Use4r/Downloads/11581 [=Стратійчук s.a.]

Struts’, R. (1999). Varieties of irony. Scientific Notes of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Vol. 4. Philology (pp. 37–42). [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: 1999. [=Струць 1999]

Wedding ceremony and wedding songs of the village of Oleksandrivka. (s.a.). [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Обряд s.a.]

Received 08.03.2024



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