stmm. 2021 (1): 42-59
TETIANA PETRUSHYNA, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Head of the Department of Economic Sociology, Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)
The article is devoted to the sociological understanding of the poverty analysis methodological aspects as a topical social problem of today. Despite the defining poverty eradication as the number one goal in the Millennium Declaration and the priority task of sustainable world development by 2030, numerous scientific/political discussions and practical recommendations for overcoming poverty, it remains one of the most acute socio-economic and moral-ethical problems of humankind. The manifestation of multiple poverty factors — situational, socio-demographic, socio-economic, socio-political, socio-cultural, institutional — only increases the need for a clear understanding of the root causes of the existence and reproduction of this phenomenon. Within capitalism, they consist of abandoning the principles of Keynesianism and the welfare state and the transition to the principles of neoliberalism, which determine the socio-economic essence of the society in today’s globalized world. It is no coincidence that analysts of all the most influential international organizations directly or indirectly recognize that the ineffectiveness of the fight against poverty is a consequence of the existing rules of modern social life. Poverty is an integral part of capitalism, one of the most acute and widespread forms of inequality and injustice inherent in this social order. The multifaceted nature of poverty phenomenon and the variety of approaches to its assessment led to the emergence of a giant thesaurus on these issues (absolute, relative, social, multidimensional poverty etc.). Identifying and assessing poverty, adequately to the complex realities of life, are essential points not only from a cognitive-analytical point of view but also for the elaboration of effective measures to overcome it.
Keywords: poverty, capitalism, neoliberalism, multiple factors of poverty
Received 24.11.2020
stmm. 2021 (1): 42-59
TETIANA PETRUSHYNA, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Head of the Department of Economic Sociology, Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine (12, Shovkovychna St., Kyiv, 01021)
The article is devoted to the sociological understanding of the poverty analysis methodological aspects as a topical social problem of today. Despite the defining poverty eradication as the number one goal in the Millennium Declaration and the priority task of sustainable world development by 2030, numerous scientific/political discussions and practical recommendations for overcoming poverty, it remains one of the most acute socio-economic and moral-ethical problems of humankind. The manifestation of multiple poverty factors — situational, socio-demographic, socio-economic, socio-political, socio-cultural, institutional — only increases the need for a clear understanding of the root causes of the existence and reproduction of this phenomenon. Within capitalism, they consist of abandoning the principles of Keynesianism and the welfare state and the transition to the principles of neoliberalism, which determine the socio-economic essence of the society in today’s globalized world. It is no coincidence that analysts of all the most influential international organizations directly or indirectly recognize that the ineffectiveness of the fight against poverty is a consequence of the existing rules of modern social life. Poverty is an integral part of capitalism, one of the most acute and widespread forms of inequality and injustice inherent in this social order. The multifaceted nature of poverty phenomenon and the variety of approaches to its assessment led to the emergence of a giant thesaurus on these issues (absolute, relative, social, multidimensional poverty etc.). Identifying and assessing poverty, adequately to the complex realities of life, are essential points not only from a cognitive-analytical point of view but also for the elaboration of effective measures to overcome it.
Keywords: poverty, capitalism, neoliberalism, multiple factors of poverty
Received 24.11.2020