Early 21st-century metatheories: A vector for modernisation of sociology

stmm. 2019 (3): 82-101

UDC 316.2


Valeriy Pylypenko - Doctor of Science in Sociology, Professor / Leading Research Fellow (Department of History and Theory of Sociology),Institute of Sociology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv (ORCID

Gulbarshyn Chepurko - Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Department of Social Expertise, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (ORCID

Yurii Privalov - candidate of Philosophy sciences, senior researcher of department of social expertise, Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (ORCID

_Abstract._The paper traces the interdisciplinary sources of sociological metatheorizing that in sociology (as in other social sciences) was a reaction to a kind of crisis of grounds, namely the hypothetical incompatibility of known models of explanation and research programs, attempts of philosophical interpretation of T. Kun’s views on the development of social sciences and dynamics of social knowledge, as well as doubts as to the possibility of supplementing knowledge through theories and laws similar to laws of natural sciences.

Authors explore some factors contributing to the growth of interest in this realm during the post-Soviet era and provide a detailed overview of metatheoretical strategies established in contemporary sociology and describe the main types of metatheorizing.

Furthermore, they examine opportunities offered by metatheorizing for the analysis of non-formalized data in a specific subject area or field of research. Particular attention is given to trends that characterize a shift from discourse on paradigm crisis to metatheorizing, which has been observed within the sociological community.

According to the authors, to understand and study the trends of the globalized humanity and its civilizations and countries (in particular the post-Soviet ones), we need the bases of the typology of communities - not separate spheres, but the community as a whole.

The authors highlight three strategies of metatheorizing in modern sociology. Integrative metatheorizing reveals general theoretical logic, to standardize the language of description and / or to develop the integrated theory. Evolutionary metatheorizing searches for trends and perspectives of sociology in a changing social world. Prospective metatheorizing is aimed at defining internally ordered, independent and relatively hermetic configurations - paradigms, research programs, models of explanation, etc. These meta-theorizing strategies help to address the problem of disciplinary fragmentation.__

Keywords: society, contemporary sociology, sociological theory, metatheorising, metatheory, research problem field, metasociology.

Publication in: ukr | rus


Alexander, J. (2013). The meanings of social life: A cultural sociology. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Praxis Press. [= Александер 2013]

Bauman, Z. (2008). Liquid modernity. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Piter Press. [= Бауман 2008]

Beck, U. (2000). Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Progress-Tradition Press. [= Бек 2000]

Bhambra, G. K., & Santos, B. de S. (2017). Global challenges for sociology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 9, 3–8. [= Бхамбра 2017]

Burawoy, M. (2005). For public sociology. American Sociological Review, 70(1), 4–28.

Burawoy, M. (2008). Open the social science: To whom and for what. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 6(3), 137–146.

Chernysh, N. Y. (2018). The current state of general sociological theorising: Global experience and local specifics. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian Society, 1(64), 19–35. [= Черниш 2018]

Chudova, I. A. (2015). Postmodenism and sociological theory. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 5, 33–41. [= Чудова 2015]

Deviatko, I. F. (1996). Explanatory models and the logic of social research. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Institute of Education in Sociology at the Russian Centre for Education in the Humanities; The EU TEMPUS/TACIS Programme; Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. [= Девятко 1996]

Deviatko, I. F. (2003). Sociological theories of activity and practical rationality. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Avanti Plus Press. [= Девятко 2003]

Deviatko, I. F. (2017). Metatheorising or philosophy of the social sciences? [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 12, 3–9. [= Девятко 2017]

Dudina, V. I. (2013a). Epistemic matrices of sociological knowledge. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg State University Press. [= Дудина 2013a]

Dudina, V. I. (2013b). An imaginary crisis in sociology and outlines for a new epistemology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 10, 13–21. [= Дудина 2013b]

Dudina, V. I. (2017). The strategies of metatheorising in sociology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 12, 10–19. [= Дудина 2017]

Ivanov, D. V. (2013a). The evolution of sociology and evolutionary metatheorising. [In Russian]. Telescope: A Journal of Sociological and Marketing Studies, 4, 13–19. [= Иванов 2013a]

Ivanov, D. V. (2013b). Stages in the evolution of sociology and the dominant types of metatheorising. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 9, 3–13. [= Иванов 2013b]

Ivanov, D. V. (2017). The trend of metatheorising in contemporary sociology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 11, 3–10. [= Иванов 2017]

Kuznetsov, V. I. (1997). Social metatheorising and its significance. [In Russian]. Moscow University Proceedings. Series 18: Sociology and Political Science, 4, 22–42. [= Кузнецов 1997]

Lapin, N. I. (2005). The anthroposocietal approach: Methodological underpinnings and sociological measurement. [In Russian]. The Problems of Philosophy, 2, 17–29. [= Лапин 2005]

Lapin, N. I. (2018). Anthroposociocultural evolutionism as a metatheoretical principle of studying human communities. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 3, 3–14. [= Лапин 2018]

Pilipenko, V. Ye., Poddubnyi, V. A., & Chernenko, I. V. (1993). Social morphogenesis: Evolution and catastrophes (A synergetics-based approach). [In Russian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Naukova Dumka Press. [= Пилипенко 1993]

Pilipenko, V., Privalov, Yu., & Scherbina, V. (2000). A subjective component in sociological cognition. [In Russian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Stylos Press. [= Пилипенко 2000]

Pilipenko, V. Ye., Zakharuk, N. Yu., & Sopneva, N. B. (2009). Values in regard to the sociology of health care. [In Russian]. Donetsk, Ukraine: Yugo-Vostok Press. [= Пилипенко 2009]

Pylypenko, V. Ye. (2005). The human being in a market society: Orientations, behaviour and culture. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Foliant Press. [= Пилипенко 2005]

Pylypenko, V. Ye. (2012). Ukrainian sociology nowadays: Studying the key areas of the society’s life. [In Ukrainian]. Lviv, Ukraine: Western Ukrainian Consulting Centre. [= Пилипенко 2012]

Pylypenko, V. (2017). Metatheorising in sociology: Particularities, types and trends. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2, 59–76. [= Пилипенко 2017]

Pylypenko, V. (2018). Metatheoretical inquiry in sociology during the 1950s–1970s: The genesis of a new realm of sociological knowledge. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2, 117–141. [= Пилипенко 2018]

Pylypenko, V. Ye., Pryvalov, Yu. O., & Nikolaievskyi, V. M. (2008). The power elite in the context of societal development. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Foliant Press. [= Пилипенко 2008]

Pylypenko, V. Ye., Sapielkina, O. V., & Chepurko, G. I. (2016). Modernisation: Theory, practice and civilisational dimension. [In Ukrainian]. Lviv, Ukraine: Liga-Press. [= Пилипенко 2016]

Reznik, V. S. (2010). The legitimation of private property as a concept for sociological theory. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. [= Резнік 2010]

Ritzer, G. (2002). Modern sociological theory (5th ed.). [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Piter Press. [= Ритцер 2002]

Ritzer, G. (2007). Metatheory. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Romanovskii, N. V. (2016). Interdisciplinarity: The interaction of knowledge in natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities (17th annual conference in memory of A. G. Kharchev). [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 2, 155–157. [= Романовский 2016]

Romanovskii, N. V. (2018). Metatheorising in sociology: Discourse and forecasts. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 2, 127–135. [= Романовский 2018]

Trotsuk, I. V. (2014). Textual analysis in sociology: The problems and promise of different types of “reading” loosely structured data. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: RUDN (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia) Press. [= Троцук 2014]

Trotsuk, I. V. (2017). Metatheorising for the analysis of textual data. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 9, 12–21. [= Троцук 2017]

Wagner, D. G., & Berger, J. (1985). Do sociological theories grow? American Journal of Sociology, 90(4), 697–728.

Yakovenko, A. V. (2017). Metatheorising: Basic social obstacles and difficulties. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 11, 11–18. [= Яковенко 2017]

Early 21st-century metatheories: A vector for modernisation of sociology

stmm. 2019 (3): 82-101

UDC 316.2


Valeriy Pylypenko - Doctor of Science in Sociology, Professor / Leading Research Fellow (Department of History and Theory of Sociology),Institute of Sociology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv (ORCID

Gulbarshyn Chepurko - Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Department of Social Expertise, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (ORCID

Yurii Privalov - candidate of Philosophy sciences, senior researcher of department of social expertise, Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (ORCID

_Abstract._The paper traces the interdisciplinary sources of sociological metatheorizing that in sociology (as in other social sciences) was a reaction to a kind of crisis of grounds, namely the hypothetical incompatibility of known models of explanation and research programs, attempts of philosophical interpretation of T. Kun’s views on the development of social sciences and dynamics of social knowledge, as well as doubts as to the possibility of supplementing knowledge through theories and laws similar to laws of natural sciences.

Authors explore some factors contributing to the growth of interest in this realm during the post-Soviet era and provide a detailed overview of metatheoretical strategies established in contemporary sociology and describe the main types of metatheorizing.

Furthermore, they examine opportunities offered by metatheorizing for the analysis of non-formalized data in a specific subject area or field of research. Particular attention is given to trends that characterize a shift from discourse on paradigm crisis to metatheorizing, which has been observed within the sociological community.

According to the authors, to understand and study the trends of the globalized humanity and its civilizations and countries (in particular the post-Soviet ones), we need the bases of the typology of communities - not separate spheres, but the community as a whole.

The authors highlight three strategies of metatheorizing in modern sociology. Integrative metatheorizing reveals general theoretical logic, to standardize the language of description and / or to develop the integrated theory. Evolutionary metatheorizing searches for trends and perspectives of sociology in a changing social world. Prospective metatheorizing is aimed at defining internally ordered, independent and relatively hermetic configurations - paradigms, research programs, models of explanation, etc. These meta-theorizing strategies help to address the problem of disciplinary fragmentation.__

Keywords: society, contemporary sociology, sociological theory, metatheorising, metatheory, research problem field, metasociology.

Publication in: ukr | rus


Alexander, J. (2013). The meanings of social life: A cultural sociology. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Praxis Press. [= Александер 2013]

Bauman, Z. (2008). Liquid modernity. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Piter Press. [= Бауман 2008]

Beck, U. (2000). Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Progress-Tradition Press. [= Бек 2000]

Bhambra, G. K., & Santos, B. de S. (2017). Global challenges for sociology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 9, 3–8. [= Бхамбра 2017]

Burawoy, M. (2005). For public sociology. American Sociological Review, 70(1), 4–28.

Burawoy, M. (2008). Open the social science: To whom and for what. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 6(3), 137–146.

Chernysh, N. Y. (2018). The current state of general sociological theorising: Global experience and local specifics. [In Ukrainian]. Ukrainian Society, 1(64), 19–35. [= Черниш 2018]

Chudova, I. A. (2015). Postmodenism and sociological theory. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 5, 33–41. [= Чудова 2015]

Deviatko, I. F. (1996). Explanatory models and the logic of social research. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Institute of Education in Sociology at the Russian Centre for Education in the Humanities; The EU TEMPUS/TACIS Programme; Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. [= Девятко 1996]

Deviatko, I. F. (2003). Sociological theories of activity and practical rationality. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Avanti Plus Press. [= Девятко 2003]

Deviatko, I. F. (2017). Metatheorising or philosophy of the social sciences? [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 12, 3–9. [= Девятко 2017]

Dudina, V. I. (2013a). Epistemic matrices of sociological knowledge. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg State University Press. [= Дудина 2013a]

Dudina, V. I. (2013b). An imaginary crisis in sociology and outlines for a new epistemology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 10, 13–21. [= Дудина 2013b]

Dudina, V. I. (2017). The strategies of metatheorising in sociology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 12, 10–19. [= Дудина 2017]

Ivanov, D. V. (2013a). The evolution of sociology and evolutionary metatheorising. [In Russian]. Telescope: A Journal of Sociological and Marketing Studies, 4, 13–19. [= Иванов 2013a]

Ivanov, D. V. (2013b). Stages in the evolution of sociology and the dominant types of metatheorising. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 9, 3–13. [= Иванов 2013b]

Ivanov, D. V. (2017). The trend of metatheorising in contemporary sociology. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 11, 3–10. [= Иванов 2017]

Kuznetsov, V. I. (1997). Social metatheorising and its significance. [In Russian]. Moscow University Proceedings. Series 18: Sociology and Political Science, 4, 22–42. [= Кузнецов 1997]

Lapin, N. I. (2005). The anthroposocietal approach: Methodological underpinnings and sociological measurement. [In Russian]. The Problems of Philosophy, 2, 17–29. [= Лапин 2005]

Lapin, N. I. (2018). Anthroposociocultural evolutionism as a metatheoretical principle of studying human communities. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 3, 3–14. [= Лапин 2018]

Pilipenko, V. Ye., Poddubnyi, V. A., & Chernenko, I. V. (1993). Social morphogenesis: Evolution and catastrophes (A synergetics-based approach). [In Russian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Naukova Dumka Press. [= Пилипенко 1993]

Pilipenko, V., Privalov, Yu., & Scherbina, V. (2000). A subjective component in sociological cognition. [In Russian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Stylos Press. [= Пилипенко 2000]

Pilipenko, V. Ye., Zakharuk, N. Yu., & Sopneva, N. B. (2009). Values in regard to the sociology of health care. [In Russian]. Donetsk, Ukraine: Yugo-Vostok Press. [= Пилипенко 2009]

Pylypenko, V. Ye. (2005). The human being in a market society: Orientations, behaviour and culture. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Foliant Press. [= Пилипенко 2005]

Pylypenko, V. Ye. (2012). Ukrainian sociology nowadays: Studying the key areas of the society’s life. [In Ukrainian]. Lviv, Ukraine: Western Ukrainian Consulting Centre. [= Пилипенко 2012]

Pylypenko, V. (2017). Metatheorising in sociology: Particularities, types and trends. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2, 59–76. [= Пилипенко 2017]

Pylypenko, V. (2018). Metatheoretical inquiry in sociology during the 1950s–1970s: The genesis of a new realm of sociological knowledge. [In Ukrainian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2, 117–141. [= Пилипенко 2018]

Pylypenko, V. Ye., Pryvalov, Yu. O., & Nikolaievskyi, V. M. (2008). The power elite in the context of societal development. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Foliant Press. [= Пилипенко 2008]

Pylypenko, V. Ye., Sapielkina, O. V., & Chepurko, G. I. (2016). Modernisation: Theory, practice and civilisational dimension. [In Ukrainian]. Lviv, Ukraine: Liga-Press. [= Пилипенко 2016]

Reznik, V. S. (2010). The legitimation of private property as a concept for sociological theory. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. [= Резнік 2010]

Ritzer, G. (2002). Modern sociological theory (5th ed.). [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Piter Press. [= Ритцер 2002]

Ritzer, G. (2007). Metatheory. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Romanovskii, N. V. (2016). Interdisciplinarity: The interaction of knowledge in natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities (17th annual conference in memory of A. G. Kharchev). [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 2, 155–157. [= Романовский 2016]

Romanovskii, N. V. (2018). Metatheorising in sociology: Discourse and forecasts. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 2, 127–135. [= Романовский 2018]

Trotsuk, I. V. (2014). Textual analysis in sociology: The problems and promise of different types of “reading” loosely structured data. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: RUDN (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia) Press. [= Троцук 2014]

Trotsuk, I. V. (2017). Metatheorising for the analysis of textual data. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 9, 12–21. [= Троцук 2017]

Wagner, D. G., & Berger, J. (1985). Do sociological theories grow? American Journal of Sociology, 90(4), 697–728.

Yakovenko, A. V. (2017). Metatheorising: Basic social obstacles and difficulties. [In Russian]. Sociological Studies, 11, 11–18. [= Яковенко 2017]



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