The public and the private: reconfiguring the interrelationship during a civil act

stmm. 2019 (2): 53-69

UDC 316.454.3/653


Natalia Kostenko - doctor of sociological sciences, professor, Head of department of sociology of culture and mass communication, Institute of Sociology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Abstract. The subject matter of research interest here is the movement of sociological reflection concerning the interplay of public and private realms in social, political and individual life. The focus is on the boundary constructs embodying publicity, which are, first of all, classical models of the space of appearance for free citizens of the polis (H. Arendt) and the public sphere organised by communicative rationality (Ju. Habermas). Alternative patterns are present in modern ideas pertaining to the significance of biological component in public space in the context of biopolitics (M. Foucault), “inclusive exclusion of bare life” (G. Agamben), as well as performativity of corporeal and linguistic experience related to the right to participate in civil acts such as popular assembly (J. Butler), where the established distinctions between the public and the private are levelled, and the interrelationship of these two realms becomes reconfigured.

Once the new media have come into play, both the structure and nature of the public sphere becomes modified. What assumes a decisive role is people’s physical interaction with online communication gadgets, which instantly connect information networks along various trajectories. However, the rapid development of information technology produces particular risks related to the control of communications industry, leaving both public and private realms unprotected and deforming them. This also urges us to rethink the issue of congruence of the two ideas such as transparency of societies and security.

Keywords: the public, the private, classical models of the public sphere, deliberative democracy, corporeal and linguistic experience of the right to participate in public assembly, information technology in the state-of-the-art versions of publicity

Publication in: ukr | rus


Academy of Ukrainian Press (2019, March 27). Political news monitoring. The results of news nonitoring on the eve of the presidential election — March 2019 [Press release]. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from [= Академія]

Adey, P., Anderson, B., & Graham, S. (2015). Introduction. Governing emergencies: Beyond exceptionality. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(2), 3–17.

Agamben, G. (2011a). Form-of-life. [In Russian]. _Moscow Art Magazine_, 81. Retrieved from [= Агамбен 2011a]

Agamben, G. (2011b). Homo Sacer. Sovereign power and bare life. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Europe Publishing House. [= Агамбен 2011b]

Arendt, H. (2000). Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Aletheia Press. [= Арендт 2000]

Beck, U., & Levy, D. (2013). Cosmopolitanized nations: Re-imagining collectivity in world risk society. Theory, Culture & Society, 30(2), 3–31.

Butler, J. (1993). Bodies that matter: On the discursive _limits of “_sex”. New York, NY: Routledge.

Butler, J. (2011). Bodies in alliance and the politics of the street [Lecture held in Venice, on September 7, 2011, in the framework of the series “The State of Things”, organized by the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA).]. Retrieved from:

Butler, J. (2018). Notes toward a performative theory of assembly. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Ad Marginem. [= Батлер 2018]

Bolz, N. (2011).Das ABC der Medien. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Europe Publishing House [= Больц 2011]

Chouliaraki, L., & Stolic, T. (2017). Rethinking media responsibility in the refugee “crisis”: A visual typology of European news. Media, Culture & Society, 39(8), 1162–1177.

Esposito, R. (2015). Persons and things: From the body’s point of view. Cambridge, England: Polity Press.

Foucault, M. (2005). Lecture 11 (March 17, 1976). [In Russian]. In M. Foucault, “Il faut défendre la société”. _Cours au Collè_ge de France, année 1975–1976 (pp. 253–278). Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Nauka Press. [= Фуко 2005]

Frosh, P. (2011). Phatic morality: Television and the proper distance. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(4), 383–400.

Habermas, J. (1979). Communication and the evolution of society. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Habermas, J. (1996). Between facts and norms: Contribution to a discourse theory of law and democracy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Habermas, J. (2006). Ein avantgardischer Spürsinn für Relevanzen. Was den Intellektuellen auszeichnet. [In Russian]. _The Inviolable Reserve_, 3(47). Retrieved from [= Хабермас 2006]

Kobylin, I. I. (2011). The source and singularity: G. Agamben and M. Foucault about the birth of biopower. [In Russian]. _Philosophy and Society_, 3(63), 171–183. [= Кобылин 2011]

Kostenko, N. (2016). In a state of “emergency”: Cultural effects. [In Russian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 4, 102–118. [= Костенко 2016]

Kostenko, N., & Makeev, S. (1999). Elections and the media: Legalizing the public sphere. [In Russian]. _Sociology_: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 1, 78–92. [= Костенко 1999]

Mouffe, Ch. (2004). Por um modelo agonístico de democracia. [In Russian]. _Logos_, 2(42), 180–197. [= Муфф 2004]

Serafini, L. (2017). Beyond the person: Roberto Esposito and the body as “common good”. Theory, Culture & Society, 34(7–8), 215–228.

Silverstone, R. (2002). Complicity and collusion in the mediation of everyday life. New Literary History, 33(4), 761–780.

Taylor, Ch. (1995). Liberal politics and the public sphere. In Ch. Taylor, Philosophical Arguments (2nd ed.) (pp. 257–288). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Theory&Practice, & V-A-C (n. d.). We are breaking into pieces: Simon Sheikh on a “fragmented” public sphere. [In Russian]. Retrieved from [= Теории]

van Dijk, T. A. (1991). Racism and the press. London, England: Routledge.

Yudin, G. B. (2017). Book review: Habermas, J. (2016). Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit: Untersuchungen zu einer Kategorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. [In Russian]. Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 1(1), 123–133. [= Юдин 2017]

The public and the private: reconfiguring the interrelationship during a civil act

stmm. 2019 (2): 53-69

UDC 316.454.3/653


Natalia Kostenko - doctor of sociological sciences, professor, Head of department of sociology of culture and mass communication, Institute of Sociology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Abstract. The subject matter of research interest here is the movement of sociological reflection concerning the interplay of public and private realms in social, political and individual life. The focus is on the boundary constructs embodying publicity, which are, first of all, classical models of the space of appearance for free citizens of the polis (H. Arendt) and the public sphere organised by communicative rationality (Ju. Habermas). Alternative patterns are present in modern ideas pertaining to the significance of biological component in public space in the context of biopolitics (M. Foucault), “inclusive exclusion of bare life” (G. Agamben), as well as performativity of corporeal and linguistic experience related to the right to participate in civil acts such as popular assembly (J. Butler), where the established distinctions between the public and the private are levelled, and the interrelationship of these two realms becomes reconfigured.

Once the new media have come into play, both the structure and nature of the public sphere becomes modified. What assumes a decisive role is people’s physical interaction with online communication gadgets, which instantly connect information networks along various trajectories. However, the rapid development of information technology produces particular risks related to the control of communications industry, leaving both public and private realms unprotected and deforming them. This also urges us to rethink the issue of congruence of the two ideas such as transparency of societies and security.

Keywords: the public, the private, classical models of the public sphere, deliberative democracy, corporeal and linguistic experience of the right to participate in public assembly, information technology in the state-of-the-art versions of publicity

Publication in: ukr | rus


Academy of Ukrainian Press (2019, March 27). Political news monitoring. The results of news nonitoring on the eve of the presidential election — March 2019 [Press release]. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from [= Академія]

Adey, P., Anderson, B., & Graham, S. (2015). Introduction. Governing emergencies: Beyond exceptionality. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(2), 3–17.

Agamben, G. (2011a). Form-of-life. [In Russian]. _Moscow Art Magazine_, 81. Retrieved from [= Агамбен 2011a]

Agamben, G. (2011b). Homo Sacer. Sovereign power and bare life. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Europe Publishing House. [= Агамбен 2011b]

Arendt, H. (2000). Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Aletheia Press. [= Арендт 2000]

Beck, U., & Levy, D. (2013). Cosmopolitanized nations: Re-imagining collectivity in world risk society. Theory, Culture & Society, 30(2), 3–31.

Butler, J. (1993). Bodies that matter: On the discursive _limits of “_sex”. New York, NY: Routledge.

Butler, J. (2011). Bodies in alliance and the politics of the street [Lecture held in Venice, on September 7, 2011, in the framework of the series “The State of Things”, organized by the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA).]. Retrieved from:

Butler, J. (2018). Notes toward a performative theory of assembly. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Ad Marginem. [= Батлер 2018]

Bolz, N. (2011).Das ABC der Medien. [In Russian]. Moscow, Russian Federation: Europe Publishing House [= Больц 2011]

Chouliaraki, L., & Stolic, T. (2017). Rethinking media responsibility in the refugee “crisis”: A visual typology of European news. Media, Culture & Society, 39(8), 1162–1177.

Esposito, R. (2015). Persons and things: From the body’s point of view. Cambridge, England: Polity Press.

Foucault, M. (2005). Lecture 11 (March 17, 1976). [In Russian]. In M. Foucault, “Il faut défendre la société”. _Cours au Collè_ge de France, année 1975–1976 (pp. 253–278). Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation: Nauka Press. [= Фуко 2005]

Frosh, P. (2011). Phatic morality: Television and the proper distance. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(4), 383–400.

Habermas, J. (1979). Communication and the evolution of society. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Habermas, J. (1996). Between facts and norms: Contribution to a discourse theory of law and democracy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Habermas, J. (2006). Ein avantgardischer Spürsinn für Relevanzen. Was den Intellektuellen auszeichnet. [In Russian]. _The Inviolable Reserve_, 3(47). Retrieved from [= Хабермас 2006]

Kobylin, I. I. (2011). The source and singularity: G. Agamben and M. Foucault about the birth of biopower. [In Russian]. _Philosophy and Society_, 3(63), 171–183. [= Кобылин 2011]

Kostenko, N. (2016). In a state of “emergency”: Cultural effects. [In Russian]. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 4, 102–118. [= Костенко 2016]

Kostenko, N., & Makeev, S. (1999). Elections and the media: Legalizing the public sphere. [In Russian]. _Sociology_: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 1, 78–92. [= Костенко 1999]

Mouffe, Ch. (2004). Por um modelo agonístico de democracia. [In Russian]. _Logos_, 2(42), 180–197. [= Муфф 2004]

Serafini, L. (2017). Beyond the person: Roberto Esposito and the body as “common good”. Theory, Culture & Society, 34(7–8), 215–228.

Silverstone, R. (2002). Complicity and collusion in the mediation of everyday life. New Literary History, 33(4), 761–780.

Taylor, Ch. (1995). Liberal politics and the public sphere. In Ch. Taylor, Philosophical Arguments (2nd ed.) (pp. 257–288). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Theory&Practice, & V-A-C (n. d.). We are breaking into pieces: Simon Sheikh on a “fragmented” public sphere. [In Russian]. Retrieved from [= Теории]

van Dijk, T. A. (1991). Racism and the press. London, England: Routledge.

Yudin, G. B. (2017). Book review: Habermas, J. (2016). Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit: Untersuchungen zu einer Kategorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. [In Russian]. Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 1(1), 123–133. [= Юдин 2017]



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