Railway mobility: social history and implementation practices

stmm. 2023 (1): 92-120


Full Text:

VOLODYMYR NIKOLAIENKO, PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University (1, Lubomyra Huzara Av., Kyiv, 03058)

LEONID NIKOLAIENKO, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, independent researcher

YURIY YAKOVENKO, Doctor of Science in Sociology, Full Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor at Department of Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University (1, Lubomyra Huzara Av., Kyiv, 03058)

The article raises questions of the social history (history of institutionalization) of railways and railway mobility (or mobility of railway passenger's), which are becoming popular in the English-speaking sociology of transport, which is the reason for mainstreaming this topic in Ukraine.

The questions raised are considered from the point of view of empires’ history, in particular, Great Britain, where the institutionalization of the internal railway, and later of railways in the colonies, led to the development of not only English, but also world industry, and at the same time contributed to world socio-cultural development, including the development of warfare.

Our goal is to provide the reader with a preliminary introduction to a large series of books published under the general title “Studies in Imperialism”, where there are works on the institutionalization of railway transport, in particular the passenger railway, their functions, etc.

The series is dominated by the idea that imperialism as a cultural phenomenon had the same significant impact on the dominant society as it did on the dependent one and that the development and operation of railways is a direct consequence of imperial ideology.

It was the imperial ideology of the institutionalization of railway transport both in the metropolises themselves and on the colonized territories that gave rise to contradictions of the social order, including massive outrage, as it led to radical institutional and mental changes associated with the traditional space and time orientation of local residents, limited them in the right to voluntary movement, accustomed to movement according to someone’s and somewhere developed schedules and life according to the principle of movement from work to work, etc.

Finally, the authors make a conclusion that all this fit into the postulates of the ideology of modernization and rationalization of public life, but was interpreted in terms of the colonization of others living space/time, as it accustomed to the appropriate life regime and not only while travelling by rail.

Keywords: institute of transport; railway mobility (mobility of railway passenger's); social structure of space/time mobility; imperial ideology; colonization of others living space/time, behavior modification, conspicuous (wasteful) consumption


Baudrillard, J. (2007). For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign. [In Russian]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy Proekt. [=Бодрийяр 2007]

In Verona, they discussed the global crisis and social inequality. (2019). Retrieved from: [=В Вероне 2019]

From Lisbon to Singapore by train: the longest route in the world has opened. (2021). Retrieved from: [=Из Лиссабона 2021]

Nikolaienko, V.L., Kornilov, V.S. (2020). Transport as a factor in the construction and reproduction of spatial inequality. [In Ukrainian]. Social technologies: topical issues of theory and practice, 86, 89–100. Retrieved from: [=Ніколаєнко 2020]

Nikolaienko, V.L., Nikolaienko, L.G., Yakovenko, Y.I. (2021). Sociologic of thinking of Talcott Parsons: a monograph. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: PP «PF «Foliant». Retrieved from: [=Ніколаєнко 2021]

Said, E. (2006). Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg: Russkiy mir. [=Саид 2006]

Sereda, E. (2020, October 3). Request for luxury and poverty tax. Mirror of the week. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Середа 2020]

Ford. H. (2013). My Life and Work. [In Russian]. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber. [=Форд 2013]

Bijsterveld K., Cleophas E., Krebs S., Mom G. (2014). Sound and Safe: A History of Listening Behind the Wheel. Oxford: University Press. Retrieved from:

Burton, A. (2018). Railway Empire: How the British Gave Railways to the World. Havertown: Pen and Sword Transport . Retrieved from:

De Jong, R. (1986). The Recapture of the Street? In E. de Boer (Ed.), Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning (pp. 77–91). Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

De Boer, E. (Ed.). (1986). Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning. Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

De Boer, E. (1986). Summary. In E. de Boer (Ed.), Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning (pp. 3–6). Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

Elleman, B. A., Kotkin S. (2009). Manchurian Railways and the Opening of China: An International History. Armonk, New York, London, England: M.E.Sharpe. Retrieved from:

Frank, H. (1986). Mass Transport and Class Struggle. In E. de Boer (Ed.), Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning (pp. 210–222.). Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

Indian Railways: Transforming a nation's destiny (A Visual Journey). (2020). London: DK Publishing. Retrieved from:

Kellett, J. R. (1969). The impact of railways on Victorian cities. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Retrieved from:

Nanni, G. (2012). The colonisation of time Ritual, Routine and Resistance in the British Empire. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Retrieved from:

Pring, M. (2019). Luxury Railway Travel: A Social and Business History. Havertown: Pen and Sword Transport. Retrieved from:

Rae, J. B. (1971). The road and the car in American life. Cambridge: MIT-Press.

Schiller, P.L., Bruun, E.C., Kenworthy, J.R. (2010). An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation Policy, Planning and Implementation. London • Washington, DC: Earthscan. Retrieved from:

Schivelbusch, W. (2014). The Railway Journey: The Industrialization of Time and Space in the Nineteenth Century. Los Angeles: University of California Press. Retrieved from:

Spiers, E.M. (2015). Engines for empire: The Victorian army and its use of railway. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Retrieved from:

Spears, R. (2005). McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions: The Most Up-to-Date Reference for the Nonstandard Usage, Popular Jargon, and Vulgarisms of Contempos. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Retrieved from:

Tołłoczko, B. (2016). «Train Sociology» — An Introduction to Researching the Interactions between Passengers. Retrieved from:

Tye, L. (2002). The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and The Birth of Public Relations. London: Picador. Retrieved from:

Worstall, T. (2012, March 4). The Story of Henry Ford's $5 a Day Wages: It's Not What You Think. Forbes. Retrieved from:

Zuboff, S. (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. New York: PublicAffairs. Retrieved from:

Received 21.12.2022

Railway mobility: social history and implementation practices

stmm. 2023 (1): 92-120


Full Text:

VOLODYMYR NIKOLAIENKO, PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University (1, Lubomyra Huzara Av., Kyiv, 03058)

LEONID NIKOLAIENKO, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, independent researcher

YURIY YAKOVENKO, Doctor of Science in Sociology, Full Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor at Department of Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University (1, Lubomyra Huzara Av., Kyiv, 03058)

The article raises questions of the social history (history of institutionalization) of railways and railway mobility (or mobility of railway passenger's), which are becoming popular in the English-speaking sociology of transport, which is the reason for mainstreaming this topic in Ukraine.

The questions raised are considered from the point of view of empires’ history, in particular, Great Britain, where the institutionalization of the internal railway, and later of railways in the colonies, led to the development of not only English, but also world industry, and at the same time contributed to world socio-cultural development, including the development of warfare.

Our goal is to provide the reader with a preliminary introduction to a large series of books published under the general title “Studies in Imperialism”, where there are works on the institutionalization of railway transport, in particular the passenger railway, their functions, etc.

The series is dominated by the idea that imperialism as a cultural phenomenon had the same significant impact on the dominant society as it did on the dependent one and that the development and operation of railways is a direct consequence of imperial ideology.

It was the imperial ideology of the institutionalization of railway transport both in the metropolises themselves and on the colonized territories that gave rise to contradictions of the social order, including massive outrage, as it led to radical institutional and mental changes associated with the traditional space and time orientation of local residents, limited them in the right to voluntary movement, accustomed to movement according to someone’s and somewhere developed schedules and life according to the principle of movement from work to work, etc.

Finally, the authors make a conclusion that all this fit into the postulates of the ideology of modernization and rationalization of public life, but was interpreted in terms of the colonization of others living space/time, as it accustomed to the appropriate life regime and not only while travelling by rail.

Keywords: institute of transport; railway mobility (mobility of railway passenger's); social structure of space/time mobility; imperial ideology; colonization of others living space/time, behavior modification, conspicuous (wasteful) consumption


Baudrillard, J. (2007). For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign. [In Russian]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy Proekt. [=Бодрийяр 2007]

In Verona, they discussed the global crisis and social inequality. (2019). Retrieved from: [=В Вероне 2019]

From Lisbon to Singapore by train: the longest route in the world has opened. (2021). Retrieved from: [=Из Лиссабона 2021]

Nikolaienko, V.L., Kornilov, V.S. (2020). Transport as a factor in the construction and reproduction of spatial inequality. [In Ukrainian]. Social technologies: topical issues of theory and practice, 86, 89–100. Retrieved from: [=Ніколаєнко 2020]

Nikolaienko, V.L., Nikolaienko, L.G., Yakovenko, Y.I. (2021). Sociologic of thinking of Talcott Parsons: a monograph. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: PP «PF «Foliant». Retrieved from: [=Ніколаєнко 2021]

Said, E. (2006). Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient. [In Russian]. Saint Petersburg: Russkiy mir. [=Саид 2006]

Sereda, E. (2020, October 3). Request for luxury and poverty tax. Mirror of the week. [In Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: [=Середа 2020]

Ford. H. (2013). My Life and Work. [In Russian]. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber. [=Форд 2013]

Bijsterveld K., Cleophas E., Krebs S., Mom G. (2014). Sound and Safe: A History of Listening Behind the Wheel. Oxford: University Press. Retrieved from:

Burton, A. (2018). Railway Empire: How the British Gave Railways to the World. Havertown: Pen and Sword Transport . Retrieved from:

De Jong, R. (1986). The Recapture of the Street? In E. de Boer (Ed.), Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning (pp. 77–91). Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

De Boer, E. (Ed.). (1986). Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning. Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

De Boer, E. (1986). Summary. In E. de Boer (Ed.), Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning (pp. 3–6). Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

Elleman, B. A., Kotkin S. (2009). Manchurian Railways and the Opening of China: An International History. Armonk, New York, London, England: M.E.Sharpe. Retrieved from:

Frank, H. (1986). Mass Transport and Class Struggle. In E. de Boer (Ed.), Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning (pp. 210–222.). Oxford New York Beijing Frankfurt Säo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto: Pergamon Press. Retrieved from:

Indian Railways: Transforming a nation's destiny (A Visual Journey). (2020). London: DK Publishing. Retrieved from:

Kellett, J. R. (1969). The impact of railways on Victorian cities. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Retrieved from:

Nanni, G. (2012). The colonisation of time Ritual, Routine and Resistance in the British Empire. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Retrieved from:

Pring, M. (2019). Luxury Railway Travel: A Social and Business History. Havertown: Pen and Sword Transport. Retrieved from:

Rae, J. B. (1971). The road and the car in American life. Cambridge: MIT-Press.

Schiller, P.L., Bruun, E.C., Kenworthy, J.R. (2010). An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation Policy, Planning and Implementation. London • Washington, DC: Earthscan. Retrieved from:

Schivelbusch, W. (2014). The Railway Journey: The Industrialization of Time and Space in the Nineteenth Century. Los Angeles: University of California Press. Retrieved from:

Spiers, E.M. (2015). Engines for empire: The Victorian army and its use of railway. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Retrieved from:

Spears, R. (2005). McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions: The Most Up-to-Date Reference for the Nonstandard Usage, Popular Jargon, and Vulgarisms of Contempos. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Retrieved from:

Tołłoczko, B. (2016). «Train Sociology» — An Introduction to Researching the Interactions between Passengers. Retrieved from:

Tye, L. (2002). The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and The Birth of Public Relations. London: Picador. Retrieved from:

Worstall, T. (2012, March 4). The Story of Henry Ford's $5 a Day Wages: It's Not What You Think. Forbes. Retrieved from:

Zuboff, S. (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. New York: PublicAffairs. Retrieved from:

Received 21.12.2022



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